[110] I'M SO SO SO SO HAPPY!!!!

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Guess what????!!!


I can't take a picture of it, but it's the same one that Crazy_Cartoon_Lover has! She posted the picture in her bool: Can't Stop The Feeling, so check it out!!

Here's the story of how I found her (Because I know, she's been sols out for months.):

I was at Big Lots with my family, and my mom and I, along with one of my brothers were looking in the makeup asile. He wasn't too appealed by it, but they had some Trolls stuff you could look at.

There was Trolls lipstick, Trolls handsanarizer, you name it.

And then, when we were on out way out, I noticed something pink in the hair aisle that stood out to me. Apparently, so did my brother, because he then ran down the aisle and grabbed something.

I rolled my eyes. I knew it was probably something stupid that he was going to make a joke of, like, for example, there was a heart eyes emoji pillow, and he picked it up and told me, "This is Branch's face when he sees Poppy."

But my mom followed him, so I decided I would, too. And when I saw what he had, I freaked.

"It's Poppy!" he told me, and showed me. I snatched it out of his hands. I screamed, and I won't lie, we got some dirty looks from other people, but my family just laughed.

I threw her in the basket, so happy, and I even felt a little bad for throwing her like that.

I told my mom I wanted a Branch to, because, how is there Broppy with no Branch?? She then said fine, and my brother tagged along. We ran all around the store, looking, and there was nothing left. Everything was sold out of the Trolls stuff. Including all the Poppy's.

This one had just been lieing in the hair spray aisle. I almost felt bad for whoever had to put her back.

The closest thing that we found to to the Trolls stuffed animals was a Trolls hug time bracelet and a stuffed Poppy's head. Ikr, so weird. No body, just a head. Even my mom gave that a little chuckle.

So, yeah! A little adventure to get Poppy, but it was worth it!!

Trolls Continued: Branch And PoppyWhere stories live. Discover now