5: Three Questions

Start from the beginning

My eyes never left his, "One."

"Why?" Rick crossed his arms over his chest.

"Cause he tried to rape me." I shuddered at the memory. My nose wrinkled in disgust. Rick sighed of relief and nodded as he contemplated what he would say next. I glanced over his shoulder and saw Daryl watching me closely.

"You can stay here if you want or you can leave. If you decide to stay you will need to earn your place here and earn our trust. Got it?" Rick stood in front of me menacingly, trying to show who was boss.

"Thank you." I nodded my head at him. Once Rick left Daryl stood there for a brief moment before picking a seat on the opposite side of the church.

"Want to hold Judith again?" Carl asked.

"I don't want to upset your old man." I titled my head in Ricks direction.

"Don't mind him."

"Thank you Carl." I knelt down and tickled Judith's feet. "Your mom died giving birth to her, didn't she?"

Carl's head snapped up at me and sadness ran through his eyes. "How did you.."

"I can see it in your fathers eyes. The pain is still there. I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my mother as well."

"What happened to her?" Carl sniffled

"She died from cancer." I bit my lip. "My father and I had just saved up enough money for her treatments when she died."

"What about your father? What happened to him?"

"I was told he headed east with my boyfriend. Ever since I've been travelling across the state in search of them."

"What if they're dead?" Carl bluntly asked. A knot formed in my stomach at the thought causing a frown to form on my face.

"I can't afford to think like that. I'm not gonna stop until I find them." I sat back on the wooden bench.

"I hope they're alive and looking for you too." Carl sat beside me.

"Thanks." I smiled. "It's nice finally talking to someone who's a people person."

I nudged his shoulder and peered over mine, eyeing Daryl. Daryls beady eyes met mine for a moment before he quickly averted them. I smirked at how easily I irritated him.

"Did Daryl give you a hard time?" Carl caught on to who I was looking at.

"I think I gave him a harder time!" I laughed.

"That would be a first! He usually gives us a hard time except for Judith. He calls her Little Ass Kicker."

"I like it. Little ass kicker!" I tickled Judith's little feet making her laugh and squeal.

"She really likes you. I hope you decide to stay." Carl's smile dropped into a frown.

"Thanks Carl but I don't want to intrude on anything. I've been better alone anyways."

"It really ain't that nice bein' alone." Daryl's deep voice startled me. "Carl your dad wants to talk to ya."

Carl nodded and carried Judith off.

"Let me guess, you ain't happy with me?" I peaked over my shoulder at Daryl who wouldn't make eye contact.

"I'm happy that yer potentially one less mouth to feed."

"Figures." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Why didn' ya kill me?" Daryl asked lowly. Barely loud enough for me to hear.

"I could ask you the same question." I raised a brow.

"But I asked ya first." This time he looked me dead in the eye.

"I couldn't." I tore my eyes away from him, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Why couldn't ya?"

I didn't look at him. "You remind me of him. Ruthless and a tough outer shell. Plus the bad-boy edge."

"Yer boyfriend?"

I sighed. "Yeah."

"Ya really think they're still out there?"

"I know they are!" I glared at him daringly. Daryl huffed and marched out of the church faster than you could say Mississippi.

"Don't mind him he's always been like that." A petite woman said. "I'm Maggie. Maggie Greene."

Her brown wavy hair reached slightly past collar bone. Her hazel eyes bored into mine with a gentle and kind smile plastered on her face. She appeared to be in her mid twenties.

"I'm Ruby. Which you probably already know. I'm sorry." I sputtered. She lightly laughed as she took a seat across from me. "I'm taking it that it's your turn to watch me?"

Maggie nodded her head. "Do you want something to eat?"

"Can I just get some water please?"

"Here." She handed me a water container. I gulped down a few mouth fulls before handing it back to her.

"Thank you." I sat still. "Will any of my items be returned?"

"They will. It depends on if you stay or leave. If you stay most of your items will be given back but the rest will be returned once we know you more. If you leave we'll give you everything back, no questions asked." She paused. "Have you made your decision?"

I nodded my head at her, "God knows what's out there and what's bound to happen. I pray my journey along with yours is safe."

I laid back on the wooden bench and used my arm as a pillow. Maggie smiled sadly knowing I was leaving. It made my heart ache even though we had just met.

"Thank you, Maggie." I grinned at her before shutting my eyes, ready to fall to sleep. At least this would give me the chance to catch up on some rest. It made me feel comfortable knowing I was being watched over and that someone was looking out for walkers. Tomorrow I would be free again but this time I didn't have a good feeling about it. The thought of being alone didn't feel right.

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