41: Spiralling

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Daryl remained silent as he stared me down. His breathing was deep and heavy as his blue orbs eyed the cigar, whiskey bottle and then the gun. I knew he wasn't pleased with me but I didn't care. I needed time away from Alexandria. I needed a break from all the fighting and deaths.

"Don't suppose you'd like a cigar, would you?" I hiccuped while tapping the ash off the end of the cigar. Daryl continued staring at me for a long moment until he nodded his head.

"Pop a squat while I grab you one." I stumbled as I stood to my feet. I giggled, "That was close."

I managed to make my way up the stairs and back down without tripping or falling. Daryl sat on the bench with his bow resting against his knee as he watched me closely. I handed him the cigar which he lit right away with his zippo.

"Mind if use your zippo?" I eyed him as I took another sip of whiskey. Daryl handed the zippo to me as he watched me light the cigar and inhale the smoke.

"What?" I exhaled.

"Didn't know ya smoked." Daryl exhaled as well.

"This is my first one."

"Then why does it look like you've done it yer whole life?" He shook his head.

"My dad and his buddies would have one while they played poker. Tommy and I used to sit in the kitchen and sometimes we'd see them smoke." I answered.

"Were these yer dads?" Daryl took another puff.


Daryl nodded, "He had good taste."

"Yeah." I smiled. "He used to take pride in his cigars and scotch."

"Why did ya leave?" Daryl suddenly asked.

"Needed a break." I replied taking the last puff of the cigar before I stomped out the butt.

"From what?"

"From all the fighting. I'm tired, Daryl. So much has happened. I've lost everyone." I sighed.

"Not everyone." Daryl muttered.

I eyed him as he continued to smoke. "You know what I mean."

"Ya have us at Alexandria! Everyone is worried about ya! Could've at least left a note to let us know where ya went and when you'd be back."

I averted my gaze as I swirled the whiskey in my hand. Guilt consumed me as the thought of everyone worrying filled my mind. "I'm sorry."

"God damn better be." Daryl muttered as he snatched the whiskey bottle out of my hand and took a shot.

"Did you come alone?" I bit the inside of my cheek. I crossed my fingers in hopes that he indeed came alone.

"Knew you'd be pissed if I brought one of them here or told anyone about this place. They expect us back in a few days."

"Us?" My brows knit together.

"Yer coming back with me, Ruby. I ain't takin' no for an answer." Daryl narrowed his eyes at me. I released a sigh as my hand rubbed my forehead. He wouldn't back down from this. I was leaving here even if he had to drag me out.

"Three days." I snatched the bottle back and took a sip. "Then I'll return with you."

"Two." Daryl argued.

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