4: The Church

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Hey lovely readers! Thank you for reading and enjoy!

Cover by JB_Justin_Bieber

"Let me go!" I snarled, enraged as his grip tightened on my rough and beaten hands.

"Keep moving." His hoarse voice said harshly as he jerked me forward through the forest. A piece of my dark brown hair fell across my face so I did my best to blow it away.

"You're definitely not a people person are you?" I huffed, rolling my sore shoulders.

I peaked over my shoulder at my captive. His dark brown hair was long and mostly covered his ocean blue eyes. Turning my attention back to the forest ahead of me I started thinking of an escape route. I first needed to distract him or better, use his anger to my advantage!

"Nor a talker." I laughed."So, what do you do for fun?"

"Hunt." He said simply.

"What do you hunt with that big-bad cross bow of yours?"

"Do ya know how to shut up?" He grunted angrily.

"Depends on the occasion." I shrugged. "So, are you going to answer my question or not?"

I could hear his breathing become deeper as he tried to calm himself. His anger getting the best of him. "Animals, the dead and sometimes the living! There, ya satisfied?"

"Now we are having a real conversation! See, it's not that hard."

"Pffft. Better watch that pretty mouth of yer's before I shut it for ya!" He pushed me down against a tree making me groan from the impact.

"Or what?" I propped myself up so that my back was up against the tree.

"I'll kill ya myself if I have to!" He yelled and grabbed a fistful of my shirt.

"Be careful what you say! Sometimes it ends up backfiring and ending up the other way around." I winked at him before kicking him in the stomach, sending him tumbling back a few feet. It gave me enough time to bump my shoulder and slide my throwing knife down my left arm and cut through the bonds. As planned, walkers started trailing our way. I kicked the man once more in the side before I quickly grabbed my gear. Positioning my bag across my back I darted away from the man.

"Daryl!" I heard a man yelling before a gun shot was set off. I peered back as three men ran and took down walkers.

"She went this way! C'mon!" I heard my captive yell.

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath as I sprinted through the trees. I ran until I came upon a white church. Crouching down I saw an ebony woman with a katana and a caucasion woman with a gun slung across her shoulders.

The men yelled in the distance, slowly making their way to me. I covered my tracks and ran east of the church and climbed up as high as I could in a pine tree. Perching myself up fifteen feet high in the tree I set my back pack in front of me and took out my binoculars to scout the area. In the distance I heard my captive swearing and cussing which made me chuckle lightly to myself.

"I'll find her myself!" I heard him say before heavy foot steps made their way in my direction. I arched an arrow and steadied myself as I aimed down.

"Daryl! She has weapons! It's too risky." One of the men yelled.

"She won't hurt me. If she wanted to she would have done it already." Daryl said before I heard his footsteps continue to get closer to me.

"Ya covered yer' tracks." I barely heard him mumble. Daryl came into view beneath me. He set his cross bow against the tree and crouched down looking for any sign of my whereabouts.

I heard Daryl whisper, "I'm not gonna stop until I find ya."

He stood and slung his bow over his shoulders before slowly walking away. I rolled my eyes and pulled my backpack on before slowly climbing down. Once I was half way down I jumped and swiftly landed on my feet.

"Why?" I arched an arrow and aimed at the man. Daryl stopped mid stride and turned on his heel.

"I asked you a question!" I narrowed my gaze.

"Ya need the help and we need it as well." Daryl raised his hands in front of him.

"How so? I've been on my own since the beginning of this apocalypse and I've been doing just fine!"

"Help us and we'll help ya." He took a step forward.

In response I took a step back,"All I want is to find my father and my boyfriend!"

He looked at me sharply and nodded. There was a crunching of a branch behind him.

"Duck!" I shouted, stepping forward and shot the walker.  The walker fell down instantly. I passed by Daryl and retrieved my arrow out of the walkers eye.

"How do you even know you can trust me?" I wiped the blood on my pants before I stuck it back into my quiver. Daryl narrowed his eyes at me and remained silent.

"Please just let me go." I sighed.

"I'm not so sure we can do that." One of the men from before spoke. I felt the cold barrel of his gun poke into the back of my head. How I didn't hear him sneak up on me meant he was skilled!

"Rick, I didn't need yer' help." Daryl spat angrily.

"What is it with you people? I mean no harm!" I hissed.

"And how do we know that for sure? Until we do, you're coming with us." Rick cautiously walked around me until the tip of his gun was aimed right between my eyes. Rick appeared to be in his late thirties. His brown and grey hair was long like Daryls. He was slim but toned with muscles. I assumed he was the leader of the group.

"Or what?" I raised an eyebrow at him, looking him up and down."Ya gonna shoot me?"

"I will if you leave me no choice." The clicking of his revolver made me instantly regret my cockiness.

"Try me." I quickly snatched a hold of his wrist and pointed the gun out my line of fire. I then elbowed Rick in the head taking his gun. As I aimed at a stumbling Rick, Daryl held me from behind and pushed on a nerve behind my ear making my knees give out. My body went limp as I dropped the gun. Before I could fall to the ground my body was encased by Daryl's strong and warm arms. My head rested on his shoulder as my eyes rapidly blinked up at his.

"Rest girly." Daryl whispered before my eyes fluttered back into my head. I was greeted by a bliss yet frightening darkness.

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