26: Killing streak

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Rosita, Michonne, and I fought through the herd of walkers as we made our way to the gate. Barnes and Spencer distracted some of the other walkers while standing up on the windmill shooting them down one by one. Carol and Tara snuck their way into the inventory with backpacks to retrieve as much guns and ammunition they could.

I left my bow and quiver at the house leaving me with my revolver, knife and katana. I would only use my gun if I had to. Michonne carried a rifle and her katana while Rosita carried a knife and a hand gun. We slowly made our way up to the gate as a rush of relief hit us. It was like seeing a bright light at the end of a tunnel. Sometimes that light doesn't mean good.

Bullets sprayed at us as the remaining wolves shot their guns. The three of us took cover and shot back at the group as they started making their way into Alexandria.

"Fall back!" Michonne yelled. We sprinted back towards the houses as they continued shooting. Thankfully luck was on our side as none of us were hit. Barnes and Spencer sniped the wolves as they were our biggest threat. I had no idea where Carol and Tara were at this point. I just prayed they were safe.

"Over here!" Tara waved us down. We ran to Tara as she sniped a few walkers that neared us.

"Where's Carol?" I asked as we were now behind cover. We all reloaded our guns as Tara continued shooting down whatever was in her sight.

"She said she was helping you three!"

"Are the others safe?" Rosita asked.

"They're still in hiding."

"Good." Michonne said. "We need some high ground on these people."

"Up there!" I eyed the roof and saw a window we could crawl out of to get onto the roof.

"Tara and I will go up there while you and Rosita sneak around and take them out!" Michonne planned. The four of us agreed as we split up. Barnes and Spencer continued shooting down walkers and wolves as we positioned ourselves. Gun shots rang from above us as Michonne and Tara now sniped down more wolves.

Rosita and I crouched through the bushes as we approached the wolves. More gun shots rang near us which caught me off guard. That couldn't be Rosita. I poked my head out from behind a tree and eyed the street.

"What do we have here?" A wolf said from behind me. "Drop your weapon and put your hands behind your head."

I did as the man said and felt rope being tied around my hands. My teeth ground together as the man roughly pushed me into the street.

"I know there's another one of you out there!" He held my gun to my head. "Come out or she dies!"

The man then roughly pushed me onto the pavement. I winced as I landed on my wounded arm. My eyes opened as I rolled onto my back while the man knelt beside me. The man wore a long trench coat with ratty black clothes. His curly hair reached his shoulders. The most curious part was the W he had carved into his forehead.

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