Chapter 21~ Imperfections

Start from the beginning

“I can’t even imagine!” my mother says. “Especially being a mother myself. If Jason or Grace were away from me all the time, I might go insane from worry.”

“Yeah, my mum has had a rough time. But I call her a lot and talk to her for hours on end. She’s starting to get used to the time away I think.”

“I don’t think a mother would ever get used to that.”

“Probably not, but she acts like she is okay for me.”

My father turns to me, “have you met his family yet?”

“No dad, they live in Ireland.”


“Yes. It’s kind of too far away for me to drive.” I giggle.

Niall answers my dad’s question before he even gets the chance to ask it, “I plan to have my family meet Grace soon, or for Grace to meet my family. It just takes some time to arrange things like this.”

“Yeah, I understand.” My dad says politely.

Man, this dinner seems too uptight. I need to do something to change the mood.

“I met the boys the other day!” I say mostly directing my words to Hope.

“Really?! What were they like? Did you get along with them? Did they like you?” she squeels.

“Yes really! They were just like brothers. They bicker and everything but they still make sure that they make up and take care of one another. I don’t know if they liked me or not but I sure liked them.” I explain as I take another bite of mashed potatoes.

Niall leans toward Hope and says in an excited voice, “They loved Grace! They kept talking about her after I returned from bringing her home. They said she’s feisty and pretty competitive.”

I can feel my face burn up. I was extremely competitive that day. They probably think I am way too boastful.

Niall continues his rant, “They also said that I am a lucky man to find a girl as perfect as Grace. They said that I need to take good care of her and not break her heart. Trust me, I would never do that. Grace means a lot to me and I will treat her like a princess.”

He keeps talking as if I’m not even there and I am staring at him as he explains all of this to Hope. However, my entire family is here and they are all listening intently to his speech as well. I can’t stop grinning idiotically at him. He is making me blush uncontrollably and his hand is still holding onto mine under the table. He is clamping mine tightly as if he is never letting go.

“Awe!” my mother and Hope coo in sync. They must both feel like they are watching a romance movie. I know that I feel like I’m in one.

Niall rotates his head and grins at me without anybody noticing before he sits back and starts eating again.


After finishing dessert, I offered to walk Niall out to his car. It was dark now and Niall needed to get home. We have school tomorrow and we both need some sleep. We have been lacking in that department for a while now. Our schedules have been havoc.

As we reach his door he turns around and stares into my eyes. His hand brushes a strand of my misplaced hair behind my ear. “Grace, I am really glad I finally got the chance to meet your family. It meant a lot to me, you probably won’t understand. I had a nice time tonight. I hope you know that I really like you and that I meant everything I said in there.”

“I am glad you met them. They can be a rowdy bunch.” I giggle but am totally serious. “You meant every word?”

“Every word.” He confirms.

“All of it? Even the part when you said I was perfect?” As I say this I can feel my eyes watering. I never think of myself as perfect. All I ever see in the mirrors are flaws. Imperfections.

Niall sees my eyes starting to tear up and he leans in and kisses my forehead before pulling me into his arms. That’s as much as I can take because my eyes overflow and the tears stream down my cheeks and land on his nice button up shirt.

Stop crying! It was supposed to be a compliment you idiot! My conscience thinks but my heart doesn’t feel that way.

It’s just that I am used to being an average girl. I don’t normally get a perfect guy. I didn’t have anybody to see my imperfections as perfect, until Niall came along. It’s not like I am told that I am ugly or a waste of space. It’s that I think those things about myself sometimes. I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help it, it’s how I see myself.

Niall finally answers my question, “Even the part when I said you are perfect. Grace, you are perfect. You are my perfect.”

I couldn’t even get words out. I just let the silent tears fall. I don’t know what it is about Niall. I never cry in front of people. It is something about him that brings out every emotion in me. He knows how I function. He knows how to get me to open up. He knows me. He knows the real me. Most people will never see this side of me.

I finally get ahold of myself and ask another question that has been gnawing at me. “What about all those other girls who are falling at your feet?”

“What about them?” he whispers into my neck. He is still wrapped around my small frame.

I make myself ask the question. “There are some that are more perfect than I am. Why would you stay with me if you could have them?”

He sits back and tilts my head up to look at him. His hand caresses my chin as he answers honestly. “I don’t want them. I want you.”

That is a good enough answer for me. I lean in and connect our lips. They move together and my fingers wrap around his hair as his hands pull my hips closer to him. A quiet moan escapes his lips and he licks my bottom lip before I open my mouth slightly allowing his tongue to enter.

How could I go from crying seconds before to making out with Niall moments later? How does he do this to me? He is like my drug and I am addicted. I want him. No. I need him.

He stops kissing me and unlocks his car. I straighten out my dress and run my fingers through my hair. I don’t want to go back inside and have people assuming things.

The car roars to life and he rolls down his window. I lean up and peck his lips one last time.

“Goodnight beautiful!” he says against my lips

“Sweet dreams handsome!”

“Don’t worry my dreams will be very sweet!” He winks.

“So cheeky!” I giggle and back up a couple steps so he can leave. He smiles at me and puts the car in reverse and backs out of the driveway.

I sigh and walk back up the steps. I’m content with the way the night turned out. I was worried so much. It did have a couple awkward moments, but nothing too extravagant. It went better than expected. And now my imperfections seem a little more perfect, thanks to Niall.

{Picture on Side: The necklace Niall gave Grace in the last chapter <3 I WANT!! What did you guys think of this chapter? Comment below!  Don’t forget to vote if you liked it! Almost to 200 reads!! <3  Big Love! xx}

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