More Than Anything

Start from the beginning


Preston: "He was never your boyfriend. I caught him Landon. With someone else. And I was destroyed beyond belief and I could barely do anything to help. So I confronted him about it, I pulled up evidence to support it and you know what he did, he accepted it, just let it happen and it destroyed me, because I knew how much it would hurt you."

With tears streaming down my face. Preston walked over to me and pulled me into his embrace, trying to calm me down but I knew it wasn't what I needed right now. What I needed was Mitch, or at least that's what I thought. To come here and hold me, Tell me I was going to be fine. And that Preston was lying. But the way Preston spoke to me, The way he held me and his hand stroking my back trying to make it better. I felt so uncomfortable.

Preston: "I'll be back later ok? Please don't go anywhere."

Landon: "Ok. I won't."

Mitch's POV

I thought back on Landon and what Preston said to me, that I wasn't allowed to we Landon anymore. That he didn't like me being a "Bad" influence on him, even though since I've been here we have done nothing but actively record, he has smiled more so than I have ever seen him smile and to make it worse for me. He told me he loved me. He actually loved me, and Now Preston hates me for no valid reason.

Preston: "You waited outside?"

Mitch: "I don't have much of a choice do I?"

Preston: "No. You're doing the right thing you know that right?"

Mitch: "I'm only doing the right thing because it's what you what. What the fuck did I do to make you hate me Preston? I thought we were actually getting along, we are close friends. Preston I'm sorry for whatever I did, but fuck I love Landon, And I mean that so fucking genuinely that you have honestly killed me inside."

The tears started to fall while I told him off. I fucking love this boy, and he is about to be torn away from me because of what? Is Preston jealous? Does Preston hate me?

Mitch: "What did I do to you?"

Preston: "You took, my cousin away from me. We use to be so close and ever since he started dating you he has done nothing but brush me aside and he won't even talk to me anymore. And you fucking did it."

Mitch: "What? You don't hate me?"

Preston: "No I don't hate you. I hate what this situation is, I refuse to let you see my cousin or at least until you work up the courage to apologize to him."

Mitch: "I didn't do anything. Preston you should have told me I could have fixed this."

Since we began chatting we had ridden the elevator down to the car park before we made it there, I had placed my bags inside but I hadn't gotten in yet.

Mitch: "What did you tell him."

I had my hand on the door but when he spoke. I crumbled.

Preston: "I told m you cheated on m with some girl. Saying you never loved him and that he was just easy fun on the side."

Mitch: "You... no."

I felt my legs start to shake before I fell to my knees, my head in my hands as I tried to think of why the fuck he would say that. Why he would think of something like that. It made me feel like there was nothing left. As if there was a void inside me and yet, the butterflies I felt when I held m, when we were together, the nervous feeling I got whenever he wanted to call me. Whenever we were talking to each other, he would always have the biggest grin on his face. And now, I could see him holding himself, crying himself back to sleep because his cousin was jealous. The tears falling down his face gave me nightmares, making me want to hate myself for even letting Preston take hold of this. He refused to let me do anything. And now...

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