Chapter 20~ Remember Me

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I smile at him and peck his lips as I lift the lid on the container and look at the beautiful necklace that is inside. It's a solid, silver heart necklace, but etched into the metal is Niall's name. It's his writing and it's perfect. He is so sweet!

"Niall..." I say in a whisper. He wants me to remember him? How could I forget? I should get him something that will make him remember me.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it! Thank you!" I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him. His arms slither around my waist and we stand there together in each other's embrace.

He smells so good!

I pull away and he tilts my head and his lips find mine. His lips are so soft and warm. I walk closer and push him up against the car and he chuckles.

"We have a dinner with your family to go to Grace."

"We don't have to go," I mumble still trying to kiss him. It's short lived though and he pushes me away by my arms. I whimper and pout which just makes him laugh.

He grabs the necklace from the box. "Turn around," he commands. I do as I'm told and move my curly hair away from my neckline. His arms reach over my head and place his gift around my neck along with the other necklace I was already wearing. His necklace lies perfectly on my chest and I grab it in my fingers and look at it closely.

He connects the latch and I let go of my hair. However, it doesn't hit my back because Niall catches it before it can. I gasp when I feel his breath on my neck. His wet lips make a trail from the base of my shoulder to just below my right ear. My hand reaches back and I feel his hair through my fingers. He continues to nip at my skin and my eyes are shut in pleasure.

The warmth of his lips leaves my neck and my hair returns to its usual position. I sigh and turn around. Niall laces his fingers with mine and kisses the top of my hand before leading me to the front door.

"Are you ready?" I ask him.

"Of course! I'm excited!"

"This is so backwards. You should be the nervous one yet I'm over here stressed out." I complain.

"Why are you nervous? Do you not think they are going to like me?" He asks concerned.

"I'm sure they will love you! I don't know why I'm nervous. I guess I am just scared that they are going to embarrass me." I say looking away from his eyes.

He is quiet for a second but finally says, "I think it's cute when you're embarrassed." He is pretty much just copying what I said about him. I love when his cheeks go bright scarlet and he can't make eye contact.

"Very funny," I say sarcastically but giggle at the end.

"Let's do this!" Niall says as he reaches his hand up and knocks on the door.

"Umm... Niall you don't have to knock. I live here remember?" I giggle and reach for the doorknob but before I can open the door to walk through, it is pulled open revealing my sister.

Oh no! Don't fangirl! Don't freak out! I command in my head, but I can tell she is about to do the opposite of what I want her to do.

"OH MY GOSH!! IT'S ACTUALLY NIALL HORAN!!" She screams and runs and hugs him. He releases my hand so he can hug her back.

"Hello!" Niall says casually.

I groan before I scold her, "Hope! You promised you would be calm!"

"It's alright," Niall says looking at me sincerely. He looks back down at her and starts up a conversation, "Hello dear, how are you?"

"I'm great!" she says as she backs out of the hug to look at him. "How are you?"

"I'm doing well. I'm excited to meet you all!"

"I'm glad! Come in, mom's just making supper now. We can go see the boys." Hope says leading the way to the basement entertainment room.

Niall grabs my hand again before entering the house and following hope down the stairs. As we are nearing the man cave you can hear my dad and Jason both cheering. They are watching sports again and this time they are rooting for the same team.

As we turn the corner into the room, Jason's voice booms through the space, "Yes! Touchdown! That's what I'm talking about!" He cheers and high fives my dad before sitting back down and intently staring at the television again.

Hope speaks to them as we get within their peripheral vision, "Dad. Jason. Niall is here."
Both of their heads flip up and take in the appearance before them. They have neutral expressions and they look annoyed. I glare at them and I think they get the hint.

My dad speaks up first, "Nice to meet you!" he says as he rises and shakes Niall's hand.

"Nice to meet you too, sir." Niall kindly says.

"Please call me Dave." My father insists.

"I'm Jason," my brother interrupts and shakes Niall's hand just like dad did.

"Hello, I have heard a lot about you." Niall says. He really hasn't heard much but at least he is making an effort at conversation.

"Really? Shocker. Grace hates me."

"Do not!" I disagree with him. My brother and I have had a better relationship since he returned from college. Before that he was annoying and never picked up his stuff. He made life difficult for all of us and he rarely went to class in high school. However, he has changed immensely since then and I am able to get along with him better.

"Whatever..." Jason drifts off and starts watching the game again.

"Hey is this the championship?" Niall asks them.

"Yeah, want to watch?" my brother replies.

"Yeah man! Steelers are going to dominate!"

"Yeah right, 49ers have this is the bag!" My brother banters. Niall takes a seat next to Jason and they all start talking sports.

I turn around and decide to go check on my mom and dinner. She probably needs some help in the kitchen, and it looks like the boys are going to get along just fine.

{Picture on Side: Grace's Outfit for the dinner! You can find me on and I will follow you. my-secret-style <--- my username

Note: My computer is being strange and won't let me log into Wattpad so it is harder to update. I think the picture is working now. Let me know :) Love ya'll! Vote if you are excited to see how the dinner goes! }

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