Chapter thirty-eight

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This chapter is dedicated to Muffin6790 as she was the first one who commented on the previous chapter.

Happy reading ^^


"This girl is just impossible.", Alex cried while pulling at his hair in frustration.

What the hell?

"Excuse me? For your kind information, I'm not impossib -

"Shelly, listen to me. Will you just calm down and talk like a girl your age?", Max whispered as if he was talking to a five year old.

Well mister! You can't just expect me to calm the hell down when I've just learned that you and Alex are car racers for crying out loud and to top it all, illegal car racers.

I was about to scream all that to him but when I saw Max's serious face, I just retreated back in my seat and kept quiet.

"Well, I am a girl, you know?", I grumbled and then took another sip of my milkshake. Hmm, I just love chocolate milkshake.

"What?", Alex asked, looking confused.

"Nothing.", I shrugged and glared at Max.

"Now, will you talk or have you lost your voice?", Max asked irritably.

"Hey! Don't you dare talk to my sister like that?", Alex nudged Max at his side, who in turn, hissed in pain. Oh! What a baby?

"What do I have to say?", I asked stupidly and looked at them like an idiot.

"Well, uh I - I - I don't know. Something?", Max stuttered and glanced at Alex who shrugged in response.

"Just promise that you won't tell anyone about this.", Alex said and looked at me hopefully.

"I promise but on one condition.", I said quickly but noticed how Max went stiff in front of me.

"What?", Alex asked slowly, looking at me suspiciously.

"I wanna see you race.", I gushed out but then got up as Max shot up from his seat... "I don't - please Max. Just once.", I whined and pouted at him.

"No! That's a big ass NO!", Max deadpanned and shook his head negatively.

"Please, Alex!", I stomped my feet childishly.

"You heard him. I don't really have a say in this.", Alex shook his head while raising his hands up in surrender.

I just wanted to see them race, that's all. Is that too demanding? Fuck you, Max freaking Jackson! And fuck you, Alex for being such a coward.

"You know what? Just forget it.", I said through clenched teeth and grabbed my milkshake and school bag to get out but of course, a hand seized my right shoulder and turned me around.

"Wait, there's more to it. Your -

"No!", Max said interrupting Alex and the latter threw a glare back at him.

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