Chapter 21

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Gabe's POV *1 month ago*

            I awoke to the sound of a default alarm tone ringing from my night table. Begrudgingly, I turned the damn thing off and rose from the sheets. Time for work. Kellin and I were going to record a little more for the album at the studio today. He rarely came anymore since Vic's been asleep.

            I really didn't understand why Kellin was so hung up on this guy. I mean, was he really that great? I'm happy for him I guess, but he can't just sit at home all the time waiting for him to wake up. For all we know, he might never wake up.

            I trudged down the hallway to Kellin's room after getting dressed to see if he was ready to leave yet.

            "Hey Kells? Ready to go?" I asked, knocking at the door.

            I heard the slightest shift in movement from under the covers. "Not today." He groaned.

            Great. Another day without my best friend at my side at the expense of his mediocre boyfriend. I marched to my car, forgetting my coffee and not noticing until I was half way to the building. Today was going to be just great.

            I walked inside past the wet brick walls and past the same boring not-quite-hollywood losers I deal with every day. I wish Kellin was here to make fun of them with me. Then, I noticed someone. A girl with long blonde hair curling at her collarbones and a thin frame was perched in a chair looking around. Her eyes seemed to be following me, but I ignored her. I assumed she just thought I was cute or something, and I sure as hell didn't need a relationship right now. We see where that got Kellin.

            I put my stuff down and unlocked the closet where I kept my drum kit to record some of the background beats for a song.

            "That's a nice drum set." Someone said behind me.

            I whipped around and saw the pretty blonde girl from the hallway standing behind me.

            "Yeah, thanks." I shrugged, trying to act busy.

            "This brand is actually one of my favorites." She remarked, walking in from behind me and joining me in the room.

            "Okay, who are you?" I asked confused. No one just walks up in my drum time.

            She smiled so softly, and the door slammed shut loudly behind us. "My name's Natalie."

            Okay, a hot girl with telekinesis and the same name as Vic's death ex-girlfriend. Not today, Satan.

            I bolted to the door, but it was jammed shut. I kicked and rammed into the wooden frame, but it just wouldn't budge.

            "No wait! Please! Just hear me out. I'm not the one you need to be afraid of." She pleaded. It sounded so desperate.

            "But you're- you..." I stuttered. 



            "Well, at least you know who I am." She crossed the room and began to walk up to me.

            I slightly backed up as she approached me. "Vic told us you died."

            She laughed. "Bet he told you how too." She said rolling her eyes.

            I was shook, confused, and wondering how the hell to get past that door.

            "Let me explain. Vic is insane! When we broke, I thought it was mutual, and I started seeing other people. He found out, and got really mad. Vic kidnapped me and kept me hostage in this greenish room for like a week. I couldn't even move, and every time I tried to leave he would keep threatening me. I found out he started telling people I had just killed myself, but it wasn't true. Eventually, I conjured up enough energy to communicate with my sister. She saved my life." She ranted.

            "Kate?" I asked.

            "The one you killed? Yep. That's her." She sighed, shooting me a glare. "Anyways, Kate heard my message through her mind, because as you know, we're witches. When she found out, she rushed to the room and performed the spell that trapped Vic's soul there. I didn't want her to kill him, so that was the next best option. We ran and kept the body in our apartment. The one you burned down."

            "I don't know what to say." I murmured.

            "It's okay. I believed him too. I need you to help me get him back, so we can redo the spell." She asked sternly.

            "Woah." I said raising my hands. "How do I know you're not lying?"

            Her face fell, looking somber. "I guess these prove it." She said lifting up her sleeves to reveal long scars around her wrists from handcuffs.

            I couldn't believe it. "He did that to you?" I asked, concerned.

            She nodded slowly. Why would he do that to someone so kind and beautiful.

            "Don't worry, Natalie. He won't get away with this."

            "I know, because I have a plan." She grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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