Chapter 8

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Vic's POV

Kellin liked me. I had no idea how it'd happened, but I sure was glad it did. The intimacy of our kiss had burned my very soul. I'd have to be careful with that, since I only had a limited amount of time.

I only had a limited amount of time. Dammit! I was getting to close to Kellin. I mean I'm going to have to leave him, aren't I? Yeah unless we found my body in time, but I didn't even know where to start looking. Within a week my abilities will fade and Kellin won't even be able to see me. It'll be like I've already died, but no. I'll still be there to witness him grieve. That was going to be the worst part.

My thoughts were interrupted by Kellin thrashing about in his sheets and frantically murmuring. Poor kid must've been having a nightmare.

I walked to his bedside and shook him awake.

He jolted up with a gasp. Dark hair hung in front of his face as his bare chest rose and fell quickly.

"Hey Kellin. It's alright. I'm here." I assured him, sitting next to the boy and rubbing his back.

He looked towards me with fear still in his eyes until burying his head in my chest. I held him as he shook.

"Will you stay with me until I fall asleep, Vic?" he asked timidly.

"Of course, come here." I said, laying on my back and pulling him on top of me, so his head rested on my chest. I stroked the skin on his back and felt him shiver at the touch.

"Darling, you'll be ok." I mumbled quietly.

-The Next Morning-

When Kellin woke up, he was still curled up on my chest. He grumbled something sitting up. His eyes were still half shut and his hair was parted at odd angles. He shivered at the lack of warmth due to not having a shirt on, but hey I certainly wasn't complaining.

"Morning cutie." I smiled up at him from where I was laying.

He pouted. "I wanna go back to sleep." Kellin started to lay back down on me, but I objected.

"It's already 11:30, Kellin. You have work to do." I motioned to his laptop at the foot of the bed.

"But Viiiiiic! I don't wanna." He whined still half a sleep. That was really cute. I wanted so badly to just lay with Kellin for the rest of the day, but he really need to get caught up his classes.

"What up nerds?" Alexis joked waltzing into the room.

"What're you doing out of school, kid?" I asked smiling at her.

"I'm sick! Can't you tell?" she faked a cough and sat down on top of the desk.

I shook my head. "Does zero work ethic run in your family?"

"You'd be surprised. Jesus Kellin! Put on a shirt!" Alexis yelled tossing an old hoody at Kellin.

Kellin laughed and put it on. "Wait this isn't mine." He said confused.

My heart sank when I saw who it belonged to. I felt like there were rocks in my throat as I tried to speak. "Alexis. Where did you find that?" I asked, trying so hard to remain calm.

"Just under that old box, Vic. Why? Whose is it?" Alexis asked me.

"Sit down guys. It's time I told you the real reason that I'm stuck in this room." I grimaced.

{Author's Note: Gasp! A wild cliffhanger appears! Haha I know. You hate me. The next update will be soon though no worries!}

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