Chapter 13

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Kellin's POV

"Hey Gabe where is this place?" I asked once we were downstairs.

"An ice cream shop down the block. Her house is linked to it. In fact you and Alexis are just gonna go in and order something and try to keep her distracted instead of going to the door and trying to sell something." He told me.

"OK one sec." I said, sealing a sticky note to the fridge that said "Going out for ice cream with the guys. Taking Alexis too. Be back soon."

The six of us squeezed into the small car. I had to double buckle with Alexis due to space and I was squished up next to Mike, who towered over me. Tony sat in shotgun next to Gabe who was driving and Jaime was on the opposite side of the car next to Mike. Alexis was practically clinging to me at his point. I could tell she was scared, but boy was she brave.

The car ride was silent. No one said a single word. I felt as if we were going off to war. Who knows? We very well could be. A war with a witch that is. What if we couldn't find his body? Or what if...

"GABE!" I yelled, startling him and nearly causing us to crash.

"Jesus! Kellin, what is it man?" Gabe asked shooting me a glare.

"What do you know about soulless bodies? I mean what if he's conscious or what if we moved him and it accidently kills him or something!" I stuttered with panic.

The car got even quieter. There was a tense feeling in the air now.

"I said we should've told him." Jaime sighed, shaking his head.

I squinted at Gabe. "Told me what, Gabe?!" I shouted.

"Hey! Chill out man! It's nothing." He grumbled.

"The body's conscious, Kellin." Tony blurted. "It's soulless though, so we have to keep in mind that it is NOT Vic." He finished.

"Tony Perry I will strangle you." Mike glared at him, but tony just shrugged.

"Well, what do soulless bodies do?" I asked carefully.

"That's the thing, Kellin. They do whatever the witch tells them to do." Gabe stated grimly.

I sunk back into my seat trying to take all this in. I was finally going to see Vic as a human, but not as a person, if that makes sense. What if he tried to attack us? I couldn't bring myself to hurt him...or it. I had to dehumanize the body as much as my brain would allow me to. My emotions couldn't get the best of me or I would end up jeopardizing the entire mission at hand.

That's when I felt the car turn swiftly into a parking lot. The parking lot which laid in front of the ice cream shop. The ice cream shop below the apartment. The apartment that held my boyfriend's body.

Hmm. Boyfriend. I liked the sound of that.

I felt Mike tense up against me and let out a deep breathe, before we parked and exited the car.

"Hey, man. Are you ok?" I asked putting a hand on his shoulder.

"That's my big brother in there." He mumbled shakily.

"I know, man, but we're gonna get him out." I assured him. I had only known Vic for a month now. I can't imagine what Mike was feeling, having known Vic his whole life.

"Everyone knows what they're doing right?" Gabe asked calmly. We all nodded and dispersed into our pairs. I saw Jaime, Mike, Gabe, and Tony creep along the side of the building and disappear behind it. That was our cue.

I walked into the store as casually as I possibly could. I mean I was dressed in complete black accompanied by a little ginger who was also wearing all black.

The ice cream shop looked relatively normal. The walls were a light blue color and a pastel purple tables and chairs were placed neatly across the floors. There was a counter containing all the ice creams and scoopers. We seemed to be the only people there, so I walked up to the counter and rang the bell in front of me.

A woman rushed out of the doorway. She had a thinner build much like Alexis, but her features were much more defined. The irony of the pointy nose and chin she had almost made me chuckle. She had short blonde hair in a bob cut resting near her jawline. "Hi. My names Kate. What can I get you?" she asked casually.

Katie. Vic had mentioned her before to us. This was our witch.

It was part of Alexis' job to text, Gabe and Jaime the details of what was happening. We chose her, because let's face it, usually teens were absorbed in their technology. It only seemed fitting. As she pulled out her phone I assumed she was going to give Gabe the ok to break in while we had Katie distracted.

"Um two chocolates in a small cup please." I requested, remembering her question.

"God, it gets so boring around here. Mind if I join you guys? My boyfriend can handle getting the ice cream." She smiled. Joining us? Great. The longer she was distracted the better it was for the guys to get Vic and get out. Boyfriend? Now that's where we might have a problem. What if he catches them?

"Vic, honey, can you get these kids two chocolates?" Katie asked with a grin. Then out came Vic Fuentes in the flesh. Except it wasn't him. He looked emotionless and practically dead. Seeing him like that made me want to puke.

Alexis' fingers were flying rapidly across her phone trying to explain all this to Gabe and Jaime. My heart was beating rapidly and my hands were shaking. A sense of crippling anxiety was overwhelming to my body.

Then, I saw Katie plant a kiss on MY boyfriend's cheek as he handed her the cups of ice cream. No. Not my boyfriend. Just his body. I had to remember these things.

I watched carefully as the body stalked back behind the counter and into the stairway leading to the apartment. I nudged Alexis to let her know he was headed upstairs. That would mean Gabe and Tony would be dealing with it. As for Alexis and I. We'd have to keep the witch distracted and hope to God she didn't hear anything going on upstairs. We might just pull this off.

{Author's Note: Wow this took forever sorry! The next chapter is going to be in Gabe's POV and it might take a bit to post since I'm going to two concerts in one week! I hope you enjoy this chapter while they're all happy and such. The next chapter...have a tissue box ready.}

A Ghost in the Wall (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now