Chapter 14

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Gabe's POV

Breaking in was simple. Mike had brought along some supplies to help get into the building. Apparently, this wasn't the Fuentes brother's first break in. After a few pulls and twists with a bent up pocket knife, we were in.

The building was cold and damp. The floors were solid concrete with brick walls laced in cobwebs. In front of us was the staircase leading upstairs where Tony and I would go and to our left were the stairs leading into the gloomy basement where Jaime and Mike would be searching.

"What's Alexis saying?" Tony asked.

I glanced at the phone again to read what she had sent. "They've got the witch distracted." I informed him.

"Jaime make sure you keep an eye on your phone too." I told him.

He nodded as they walked downstairs into the basement to search for Vic's body. I hoped they found it honestly. Jaime was his best friend and Mike was his brother, but they would still be willing to take the necessary precautions to get the body out of here.

Kellin was the one I was worried about. He cared about Vic a lot, and if the body tried attacking him, I doubt Kellin would hurt it even to defend himself. I couldn't have him getting hurt on my watch, so I was going to keep an eye out for the body in case he got to it before I did. Kellin's like a brother. I wouldn't forgive myself if something were to go wrong.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Tony suddenly grabbing my shoulder spinning me around to face him. His face was extremely pale and his eyes were bulging.

"Tony, what's wrong man." I asked shaking him.

"Someone's going to die." He blurted.

I stepped back shaking my head. Not Kellin. It can't be Kellin.

"WHO?!" I practically growled.

"I-I don't know yet. I couldn't see who it was." He stuttered.

"Dammit Tony we know someone will." I snarled remembering part of the curse.

"Tell me when you figure it out. Now common." I sighed leading him up the staircase. He still looked a bit panicked, but still followed me. The deal was whoever killed the witch, well they would die too. We were keeping this from Kellin, Alexis and Vic, because otherwise they weren't going to go along with it. We just had to make sure we got to her first.

We stopped at the door leading into the room and noted that it was actually unlocked. I pushed the door open to find a small apartment when I received a text from Alexis.

"The body is upstairs! Katie's controlling it!!" the text read.

There, sprawled out on the couch, was Vic's body. It stood up coming towards us.

"INTRUDERS!" it boomed in Vic's voice. The body looked different from the soul. More solid. More defined. Another detail I noticed, it hit me a lot harder than Vic's soul.

Next thing I knew a fist slammed into my abdomen, sending me sailing down the stairs with Tony.

I wheezed as the wind was knocked out of me. My head was spinning and my vision was blurred, but I could make out Vic's body coming down the stairs and Tony unconscious next to me. I wheezed Jaime and Mike's name, but nothing came out. I panicked until I remembered my phone. I reached in my pocket and quickly texted Jaime, "Come up stairs help needed." Then, shut it off.

I felt a hand grip the front of my shirt and haul me up. Cold concrete slammed against my back as I was lifted off my feet. I opened my eyes to see the face of Vic Fuentes staring at me. His eyes were so cold and dead. You could tell something was missing.

Its hand quickly wrapped around my neck squeezing harder as time went by. I began to panic again. My air supply was fading and the pressure in my skull was increasing. What a shame it'd be to die today.

Apparently, today wasn't my day, because Jaime appeared from the basement slamming into Vic's body. I slumped to the floor next to Tony's now half-conscious self.

I looked up to discover Jaime trying desperately to pin down Vic's body with Mike's help. They seemed to be winning until a slim blonde woman entered the room, dragging Kellin and Alexis behind her.

"Settle down girls. Come here, Victor" She purred. The body easily overpowered Jaime and Mike and walked towards the witch.

"Jaime Preciado, the boy with the deal. I see you've found the body." She laughed.

Jaime grunted and stood up, facing her. "I'm here to save my friend." He stated.

"Yes and how is that turning out for you?" she asked menacingly.

Jaime balled his fists and ran at her, but Kellin broke from her grasp and held him back.

"Just wait." I heard Kellin whisper to him. Did he have a plan of some kind?

"Now Viccy Poo, I want you to take them out. Starting with Kellin." She growled. I tried to move to stop the body, but I couldn't. I saw the others were having the same problem. She had cursed us dammit.

Kellin was scrambling away and now backed up against a wall next to Mike. I was pushing against whatever this curse was with all my strength. He was feet away. My best friend was not dying today and neither was I. Vic's body had a knife now. It was pressed right by Kellin's neck ready to plunge in.

That's when things got out of hand. I looked over to see Alexis plunge her knife into the witch's heart. She gagged and shook, blood spurting from her mouth until finally her body hit the floor. I could move again thank god, so I went to help Kellin only to see the body had fallen. No one moved.

Alexis and Kellin ran at each other hugging.

"We did it!" They yelled. I knew what was coming though, and so did Jaime, Tony, and Mike. I could've sworn I felt a tear roll down my cheek. She looked so happy and so young. How could we've let her be the one to kill the witch and suffer the consequence?

Alexis began to twitch in Kellin's arms. We knew what was coming. She dropped.

"Alexis?" Kellin said with concern. He dropped to his knees next to her and yelled her name louder.

"Kellin come here." I told him softly.

"Oh my god no. GABE SHE FUCKING... no no no." Kellin panicked. He was holding her lifeless body to his chest and sobbing and screaming. It was too much for him to handle. I stood up and nodded to Jaime signaling for him to come help me.

We pried Kellin away from her as he kicked and yelled at us to get off him and give her back. Jaime, Mike, and Tony dragged him along with Vic's body to the car. I still had a job to do. We knew we'd be leaving dead bodies behind regardless and if the police ever saw them, well it could end up badly for us.

I took out my lighter and lit a piece of tissue, before quickly throwing it into the building. I watched sadly as flames engulfed the room. I could've sworn a blurred figure of Alexis walked out of her body smiled at me and ascended. I'm glad her soul was at peace.

{Author's Note: Well the updates finally here along with some minor feels...sorta minor. Please keep voting and commenting you guys are the best!}

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