Chapter 3

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Kellin's POV

It felt good talking to my friend Gabe. He was two years older than me and practically family. My mom said he could visit every weekend, if I behaved. I told him through texts about how dusty the room was and what an idiot Milo was. He got quite a kick out of that. He had morning classes at his college the next morning though, so by nine-thirty he was sleeping.

I laid in bed quietly still feeling the strange sensation that someone was watching me. Maybe they had ghosts. I mean their mom had passed away, but it didn't feel like her. I decided to test it.

"Hello?" I called out. Nothing. I tried again. Same results. It was the first night, and I was already going crazy. As a last attempt, I knocked twice on the wall, but this time, someone knocked back.

My heart raced as I turned to the wall facing me. I had to have been hearing things. There was just no way.

I tried again, knocking four times. The wall responded again in the same spot. Maybe it was an echo or something.

"If you're real, knock on the wall next to me." I ordered. I felt something moving closer to me and a chill swept over me. Then, came the knock. It was right next to me.

I fell out of the side of my bed and unto the ragged carpet. There was a ghost in my room. Great. Just another thing to add to this list of unfortunate events.

It was probably Alexis and Milo's mother. She had died.

"Aunt Donna?" I called out.

"Whose Donna?" a light-hearted boy's voice replied.

My stomach dropped. I wanted to scream and run and just get out, but my body disobeyed my brain and refused to move. I sat there petrified.

"Wh- Who are you?" I stuttered.

"The name's Vic." The voice answered. Suddenly a shimmering form appeared in front of me. It was a Mexican boy about my height with large, chocolate brown eyes. A gray beanie sat on top of his shoulder-length, silky, brown hair. He wore black skinny jeans with tears down to the knee and a red Green Day tank-top that showed off his lean arms. The boy was leaned up against the wall across from me smirking.

I could feel the fear swelling up inside me as I opened my mouth to scream.

"Hey hey! Calm down! I'm not a ghost, and I'm not going to hurt you I promise." The voice assured me soothingly.

"What the hell are you then?!" I screamed. I was talking to him now?

"Settle down. I'm a soul. It's a long story why don't you sit down." He suggested.

I shook my head. "I'm insane." I mumbled to myself, taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

"Nah man. You're sane. Have you ever heard of a Brujas Negros?" he

I had just learned about them in my mythology elective online. I nodded. "Mexican witches that wield dark magic." I told him.

"Good well they're real. I was cursed by one. She separated my soul from my body and bound it to this room." He explained casually.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"Oh um...longer story." He looked to the ground.

"Well I have all ni-"

"Later." He barked.

My shoulders tensed and I turned my head from him. "Sorry" I mumbled.

Vic sighed. "Don't sweat it man. I didn't mean to snap at you, so why are you here suddenly?" he asked coming to sit down next to me.

I backed away instinctively.

He put his arms up. "Not gonna hurt you." He reminded me in a calming tone. I nodded and he sat down.

"Um we moved here from New York. After my dad left, we couldn't afford the rent. The guy who lives here, Dave is my uncle. His two kids Alexis and Milo are my cousins. I'm not going to school with them though. I take all my classes online." I told him.

He leaned in closer, listening intently. "So you're gonna be home all day?" I nodded.

"Thank god! Finally, someone to talk to. I've been like this for two months you know? Two months of listening to Milo's shitty rap music and hearing their dad yell at poor Alexis all day." He said with excitement.

"Why does he yell at Alexis so much." I asked with concern. I realized Vic had basically lived with my family for about two months, and since he had nothing better to do, he probably just listened to them all day. He was the ears to this house.

"Something about 'Gays go to hell' 'If I see her one more time, I'm getting my gun.' I'm assuming he's a bit homophobic and she's a bit homosexual." Vic told me.

"Oh jeez that's awful" I sighed.

"What about you Kellin?" he asked.

"What? How do you know my name? What do you mean?" I stumbled over my words.

"I heard Alexis call you that. I mean are you gay?" he asked casually.

"What?! I don't know! Don't you think that's a bit personal?" I exclaimed.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes. You gotta boyfriend?" he smirked at the question.

"Ugh no." I sighed at how easily I was discovered. I hope Uncle Dave didn't ask me anything like that.

"Hmm. Good. You should get some sleep." And with a wink. Vic disappeared.

He was still there and I could feel it. What was that wink about? I wasn't sure. The clock said 11:00pm, so he was right about getting sleep.

I laid down on the bed, pulled the sheets over my and passed out.

A Ghost in the Wall (Kellic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora