Chapter 4

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Vic's POV

Watching Kellin sleep wasn't as creepy as I thought it'd be. It wasn't like I had paid attention to him the whole night. I just sat around like I normally would. I'm not gonna lie though. I glanced at Kellin every now and then.

He looked really cute when he slept. The way his raven black swept across his pale face and his mouth hung slightly open just melted me.

It was now 7:00am and the sun was rising. I could heard Milo and Alexis getting ready downstairs. Their dad was raising his voice at Alexis already, but I couldn't quite hear it yet.

"I BETTER NOT FIND OUT YOU'VE BEEN ALL UP ON HER AT SCHOOL OR NOTHIN!" the man boomed. There it was. The yelling. Then came the door slam, right on queue.

Kellin's eyes began to flutter open at all this commotion. Wow that was cute.

"What just happened?" Kellin asked nearly falling out of bed. He ran his hand through his thick hair pushing it out of his eyes and blinking at the bright light coming from the window.

"Alexis and your uncle got in a minor disagreement." I shrugged.

"Jesus already?" he sighed.

"You'll hear it eventually, so what're you gonna do all day?" I asked stepping towards him.

"Work...I mean I'm ahead in most my classes, but it can't hurt to keep getting ahead yanno?" he told me.

"Boring." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm talking to a ghost. Oh my god. I need help." Kellin's eyes widened and he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Correction! I'm a soul. I'm not dead yet." I said narrowing my eyes.

"What do you mean yet?" he asked.

I looked towards the ground remember the arrangement Jaime made for me. God I missed him. I missed him, Tony, and my brother Mike with all my heart. I remember the last thing Jaime said to me. "We'll find you Vic! I swear to god we'll always find you." I couldn't believe that they'd been away from me this long.

"My friend begged for my body to remain alive for three months after the curse. That way they would had time to find me, but it's been two months already. They've probably lost hope. I have a month left." I explained sadly.

"I'm sorry." Kellin mumbled. I just shrugged.

We talked to each other about our lives before this house for the rest of the day. I found out Gabe was in fact not his boyfriend, but just an older brother type of friend. He told me a little bit about his dad even though it was a slightly touchy subject. He told me about what a bitch his mom was and how he was messed with at school. Poor kid had a pretty fucked up life.

I just talked about the small band I had called Pierce The Veil. Apparently he was trying to start one with Gabe who I couldn't wait to meet. He was visiting in two days. Kellin said that he was stoked to show me to his friend. I didn't see why. I mean I could make myself invisible but nothing that was really interesting.

I was starting to really like this kid though. Not that it would last. I only had a limited amount of time.
{Author's Note: Sorry this chapter was so short I've been really busy with school! Keep sharing this story and commenting feedback I love it!}

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