Chapter 7

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Kellin's POV

I paced in the kitchen a few times before returning upstairs. What if Vic didn't want to kiss me? What if I'm a bad kisser? What if I kiss him, and then find out I don't like him? What if Alexis sees? What if...I needed to chill out?

I scurried up the stairs and into my room where Alexis and Vic were anxiously waiting on the bed. I raised an eyebrow at Alexis and she grinned at me.

"Well I'll just leave you two crazy kids alone. Night Vic! Night Kellin!" Alexis exclaimed, skipping out of the room.

"What's up with her?" I asked the extremely attractive boy sitting on my bed.

Vic shrugged, trying to conceal a smile. What was going on? I sat down next to him awkwardly. He just smirked and scooted closer to me.

"Hey Kells, can I tell you a secret?" Vic asked. His face moved towards my ear. I could feel his breath on my neck.

"Uh yeah. G-Go for it." I stuttered.

"I can hear people even when they're outside in the driveway." He whispered before pulling away from my ear.

My face flushed and my ears reddened almost immediately. He knew I was going to kiss him.

"Vic I..."

Before I could finish, I felt his stronger hands cup my jaw and pull me into a soft kiss. It felt amazing. It was like a cool tingling all across my lips as me moved back and forward. That was until Vic pulled away with a yelp.

"What's wrong?" I asked nervously.

"You're hot." He mumbled, putting a hand to his mouth. He looked like he was in pain for some reason.

"Well thanks but..."

"Kellin I mean you physically burnt me. You are pretty hot though." Vic stated, staring back at my lips.

"How did I burn you?" I asked with concern.

"Must be this whole soul thing." He murmured disappointedly. I nodded.

My brain moving at a thousand miles an hour. I liked him. I liked Vic, but did Vic like me? Probably not. I doubt I was even a good kisser.

"That was amazing." Vic smiled, looking over at me as if he read my mind. I blushed deeply as our eyes met.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

He laughed a little. "Hell yeah, so I heard Gabe say that you'd find out if you liked me or not by kissing me and I was wondering..."

"God yes." I interjected, already knowing he was going to asked if I liked him.

He grinned and kissed my cheek, making me blush again.

"Night Kells." And with that he disappeared into the walls like a ghost.

{Author's Note: Sorry for the late update and the shortness of this chapter. Next update will be coming soon! I love it when you guys comment, so keep it up.}

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