Chapter 20

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Kellin's POV

I fluttered my eyes open to the sound of a few of my friends laughing downstairs. I turned over and sighed at Vic's absence. I usually got up before him.

I stretched and pulled on a shirt and pants before walking down the staircase to the kitchen. I could barely hear the conversation going on, but I heard Vic start talking about the chains. Not this again. Jaime nearly killed Mike last time we tried those.

For some reason Gabe was agreeing it seemed like? Oh no. Now, Jaime was going with them?! Why was Gabe being so reckless? Jaime, Tony, and Vic seemed to just follow his lead. Were they honestly just that stupid? I couldn't blame Vic of course. He didn't really understand, because he wasn't conscious when it all went down.

I heard the front door close and the car start outside. Shit. I needed to stop Gabe from whatever that shady bastard was up to.

I raced down the stairs and threw the living room to Mike and Alysha's room. Clothes were sprawled across the floor and the couple was curled up under the sheets.

"Mike, wake up." I said from the doorway.

He groaned and turned the opposite direction. I sighed and grabbed a TV remote sitting on the dresser next to me. Then, I did what any reasonable human being would do. I threw it at his face.

"Ouch. What the hell, Kellin?" he grumbled.

"Your brother, my boyfriend, is in trouble and I need your help." I blurted.

Mike's eyes widened and he jumped out of bed, startling Alysha. He pulled on his jeans and a red t-shirt.

"Lysha, get up babe. We gotta go." He rushed her.

She rolled out of bed and got dressed too.

"Hold on let me do my make-up." She requested.

"There's no time for that!" I sputtered, grabbing the couple and pushing them into a car.

"Kellin, what's going on?" Alysha asked.

"Vic wanted to learn how to use the chains, so Gabe thought it was a good idea to take him, Tony, and Jaime to the warehouse. Plus, you know how shady Gabe has been acting." I explained.

"Why the hell would he take Jaime?" Mike exclaimed, buckling his seatbelt.

"I don't know, because he's crazy!" he yelled as I tried to focus on driving.

A few minutes later of Mike yelling at me to turn this and that way to get to the warehouse, we arrived. I remembered everything about it so clearly. I knew these faded walls and locked doors too well. We'd lost our minds here. Some more than others, but all the same, it was corrupt.

I scanned the card that led us into the building once we exited the car and pushed open the door. I heard screaming almost immediately from Tony and ran to the main room.

I flung open the door and saw Jaime standing over Vic with a golden chain in hand. Tony and Gabe were nowhere to be seen.

"Vic!" Mike and I cried in unison.

"I think I broke my nail." Alysha whined from behind.

I disregarded Alysha's comment of distress and ran to where Jaime and Vic were with Mike trailing behind me. I skidded to a stop in front of Jaime and gently pulled Vic behind me. I saw him wince in pain from having to move. That probably wasn't good, so I couldn't let Jaime get to him again.

"Hey asshole!" I shouted, getting Jaime's attention. His head spun around to make eye contact with me.

The boy charged towards me as Mike attempted to sneak up behind him. He was caught by the wrist with the golden chain. Jaime yanked him forward onto his knees and began murmuring a spell.

Vic was gasping for air and reaching out for his brother.

I ran behind Jaime and wrapped my arm around his neck, cutting off air, so he couldn't speak whatever deadly words were about to leave his mouth.

Mike turned to grab Vic and run, before Jaime could cause any more havoc. I gave Jaime room to breathe, but not speak. I couldn't kill someone.

As soon as I did this, Jaime's chain raised in the air and shot straight for Mike. Before it hit him, I witnessed something shocking.

Alysha dove in front of the chain. She was struck directly in the arm and the blow sent her tumbling across the room, straight into a block of cement. Her head hit it with a thud that sent a chill through my bones.

"Alysha!" Mike cried, running to the body. I could see it from all the way over here. She was lifeless.

Jaime had dropped the chain and was looking around dazed about what had happened.

Mike was clinging to her body and shaking with sobs.

I was standing next to Vic, holding him closely to me as he witnessed his brother's heartbreak.

Tony and Gabe were god knows where.

Things wouldn't be okay for a while.

A Ghost in the Wall (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now