Chapter 6

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Vic's POV

I saw horror flash across Kellin's eyes as he heard Alexis. He rushed her into the room with us slamming the door. Her eyes froze on me.

"YOU! You're the boy Kellin talks to all night! You know I thought he was crazy until I heard you talking back. The stuff you just told Gabe confirms it!" Alexis rambled.

I smiled. It'd been a week and I'd already met three people. Things were a lot less lonely. "Hey there kid." I nodded at Alexis.

"Hi Vic." She smirked at me then to Kellin who still looked horrified.

"You can't tell the others." He told her seriously. It was kind of cute honestly. He got so worked up and scared looking. It made me wanna just run up and wrap my arms around his small frame.

"Don't worry! I won't! Woah...can I touch him." She gaped at me.

Kellin looked like he was about to object, but I just smiled and nodded. The smaller girl walked over to me, gingerly placing her hand on my chest. It felt warm, but not as warm as Kellin felt. His touch was like fire engulfing my cold skin, but a kind of fire that didn't burn or hurt. A kind of fire in my very soul.

I snapped out of my thoughts as Alexis removed her hand. "Hehe. Tingly." She giggled. I really liked this kid.

"Well Kellin looks like you got yourself a roommate." Gabe pointed out.

"More like a boyfriend. You should hear them talk when they're alone." Alexis nudged Gabe.

Did she really just say that? I looked towards Kellin to see his cheeks go redder than Alexis' hair.

"Wha- I don't um." Kellin stuttered. I decided if I was gonna hit on him, now was the time. Instead I just flashed him a small wink and smirked at Alexis.

"Who knows." I shrugged.

"Gabe can I talk to you outside for a second." Kellin murmured. Gabe laughed and followed him out the door, leaving me alone with Alexis.

"Can I talk to you." I asked her smiling sadly. She seemed confused, but sat down on the bed next to me.

"Look kid I've been in this house for over 2 months now, and I can hear almost everything that goes on." I told her. Her face flushed when she heard that.

"I know about the arguments you and your dad have, and I just want you to know if you ever need to talk about it, Kellin and I are right down the hall." I said kindly.

"Thanks Vic." She grinned up at me.

"No problem, and don't worry about what your dad says. He's an ignorant asshole anyways." I said making her laugh.

Kellin walked back into the room with Gabe smiling.

"Well I hate to leave so early, but I only come down here for business trips and duty calls." Gabe sighed.

"Nice to meet you." I said extending for a hand shake, but instead I was pulled into a bear hug.

"You hurt him, and you're dead. Do you understand?" Gabe whispered harshly into my ear. I nodded and he pulled away.

"See you guys later!" he waved.

Wow...that guy scared the shit out of me.

I watched from the window as Kellin walked Gabe to his car. I decided it couldn't hurt to listen in a bit.

"You've been talking to him for a week straight Kellin, and by the looks of it he likes you a lot." Gabe said sounding exhausted.

"I don't know what if I only like him, because he's my only option." Kellin shrugged.


"Well easiest solution bro. We've gone through this before." Gabe rolled his eyes.

"You don't think it's too early?" Kellin asked.

"Nah. Did you see the looks he was giving you? You'll know you like someone for sure after a kiss." Gabe crossed his arms. "Have fun kid." He said ruffling Kellin's hair and getting into the car.

Well then. Was I in for a treat tonight or what?

A Ghost in the Wall (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now