Chapter 16

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Vic's POV

I felt air rush into my lungs as I shot up, hitting my head on the top of a bunk. Where was I? Where was everyone else? Wait.

Pain. I felt pain. I felt something solid for once. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed I could see colors. Covering my legs were light blue sheets and the bed post was dark brown.

I looked down at my hands and noticed how clear they were. There was no distortion or blurs. I was whole again.

I tried standing and it seemed to work, but walking was a bit stiff. I managed to find the door and stumble out into a hallway with five rooms. The clock on the wall said 7:00am. No one was up yet if anyone was here.

I guess I was wrong, because I heard someone walking around downstairs. I slowly creeped down, peeking my head around the railing. I saw a girl with shoulder length blonde hair and large blue eyes. She had small pointed features and was slightly dancing around the kitchen.

"Are we loosing or beginning to try a new life without you?" she sang quietly.

That was Yeah Boy, and Doll Face! That was my song!

"How do you know that song?" I shouted at her.

She let out a small yelp. "Holy shit." She muttered.

"What?" I asked her, confused.

"MIKEY! COME HERE!" she yelled, then smiled at me brightly.

"I'm your brother's girlfriend. My name's Alysha. You must be Vic! I've heard a lot about you." She greeted me.

"Um hi. Nice to meet you and all but where the hell am I?" I asked.

"Our house. Jaime and Tony live with us too, and Gabe just recently moved in. Kellin's here too." She told me with a wink.

"VIC!" Mike yelled from behind me. My little brother tackled me in a hug and nearly jumped on me.

"You're ok! You had me worried." He sighed with relief.

"Well, you can't get rid of Vic Fuentes easily." I said smirking.

"I see you've met Alysha." He blushed, sliding his arm around her waist.

"I'll leave you guys alone now. I'm late for a photoshoot." She said kissing Mike on the cheek and waving goodbye.

"IS THAT VIC?!" Jaime screeched from upstairs. There was a sudden thud and then Jaime laying on the floor in front of us.

"What the hell, Jaime? Did you just jump off the upstairs banister?!" I yelled at him like a concerned mother.

"Okay maybe, but who cares? You're awake and alive!" Jaime exclaimed, bear hugging me.

I saw Tony gaping at me from behind Jaime. "You're alive." He whispered.

"Hell yeah I am. Come here turtle." I said extending my arms to him. He ran at Jaime and me.

"Vic do you know how long you were out?" Mike asked quietly.

"Um like a few hours?" I responded shrugging.

"Two months.." Tony mumbled.

I felt my heart drop. Two months was a long time. Wait a sec...

"Where's Kellin?!" I asked slightly panicked.

"He and Gabe are recording at the studio. They should be home soon, but Kellin's been a wreck without you or Alexis." Jaime explained.

"Aw we didn't bring Alexis? Damn. We'll have to visit." I sighed.

It was eerily quiet. "Vic..." Mike whispered, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Alexis is dead. The person that killed the witch died to and Alexis got Katie before we did." Jaime choked out.

They were going to die for me? No wonder they didn't tell me. I wouldn't have let them do it. I had already lost Natalie, because of me and now someone else was dead. I couldn't do this. I cared about that kid so much. I can't imagine how Kellin felt having been there.

Right now I was just angry. I lunged at Jaime screaming at him. "How the fuck could you do that to me!?" I yelled, reaching for him. Mike held me back roughly.

"Vic stop we just wanted to help." Mike yelled at me.

"I don't deserve help. I should be dead!" I told them.

"Victor Vincent Fuentes shut your goddamn mouth! You don't get to talk about yourself like that. Not after all that's happened." Tony shouted. That's when I stopped. Tony never raised his voice, but when he did, you listened.

Suddenly the door flew open to reveal Gabe and Kellin. Kellin didn't bother looking at us and went to walk upstairs. He didn't even see me. Poor kid had enormous bags under his eyes. His dark hair had grown, but it was mostly hidden by a beanie. He looked tired and wore a blank expression. He wasn't the same lively Kellin I knew.

Gabe was gaping at me. He caught Kellin by the wrist and pulled him back.

"Ugh what." Kellin hissed, facing Gabe. All Gabe did was point at me.

I stood completely still and awkwardly waved. Kellin broke into the biggest smile I've ever seen, dropped his things, and ran into my arms. I picked him up in the hug and he wrapped his legs tightly around my waist.

"Vic oh my god. I love you and missed you so much." Kellin choked out into my chest.

I stroked his back and held him closer. "I know. It's alright. I'm here now." I assured him. He hopped down and looked at me with his blueish gray eyes. They were amazing. Then he pinched himself.

"All real." I chuckled and lightly kissed him.

"We can do more of that later." I whispered to him smirking.

"Welcome back man." Gabe said shaking my hand.

"Pleasure to be here." I said. I looked down at Kellin again who was still hugging me.

"Well guys. What did I miss?" I asked

There was a collective sigh across the room. Yikes. I guess that meant a lot.

A Ghost in the Wall (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now