Chapter 11

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Kellin's POV

{1 day later}

I opened the door to find Gabe and three other boys. There was one tall guy in the back with longer hair and the same jawline as Vic. I was guessing that was Mike, Vic's younger brother. One boy with large brown eyes and short dark hair was wearing a hoody and stood next to him. I guessed that was Tony, but maybe not. However, recognized Jaime immediately. He had on black skinny jeans and a red Blink-182 t-shirt. His hair was stuck up in the oddest angles, but he made it look good. I could tell he was nervous from his shaking hands and the fact that he was biting his lip in anticipation.

"Good to see you bro." Gabe smiled, pulling me into hug. "This is Jaime, Tony, and Mike." He said motioning to the guys behind him.

Jaime beamed at me quickly, while Mike and Tony just grazed a smile. All four of them looked drained.

I nodded for them to follow me upstairs with Jaime at my heels. I opened the door to see Vic and Alexis sitting casually on the bed, when he looked up. The boy's face lit up when he saw his friends. Jaime rushed forward to meet his friend. Vic pulled him into a tight hug.

"I found you." Jaime murmured. Vic smiled and patted his back, pulling out of the hug.

"Move over, dork. I got a hug my big bro too." Mike said, pushing Jaime ou t of the way.

"Big bro?" I asked.

"I may be little, but I'll always be the big brother." Vic smirked ruffling Mike's hair.

"Bring it in Turtle!" Vic beamed opening his arms up for Tony. The boy smiled softly and hugged Vic like the other boys.

"Guys this is Kellin." He announced motioning towards me. I just gave the guys an awkward wave and smiled.

"Hiya Kellin." Jaime exclaimed also pulling me into a hug. What was it with these guys and hugging? Suddenly I felt Mike come up behind me and wrapped his arms around us too. Both the boys had their faces to my ears.

"You ever hurt our brother related or not we gonna fuck you up. You understand amigo?" they threatened in a thick Hispanic accent. I nodded quickly.

"Guys you're not the best whispers please stop threatening my boyfriend." Vic rolled his eyes as if this was normal.

"BOYFRIEND?!" Alexis and Gabe yelled in unison.

"Yes dork." Vic said ruffling Alexis' hair. "I mean if that's ok with Kellin." He said looking up at me.

I felt my face turning completely red and I felt my heartbeat increase. "I'm definitely ok with that." I grinned at him.

"Oooooh Victor's got a boyfriend." Mike teased, poking his brother's sides.

"I'm going to kill you." Vic scowled at his brother.

"Go ahead little man." Mike narrowed his eyes.

"DO IT FOR MEXICO VIC!" Jaime exclaimed as the two brother disappeared in blur of fist and bodies. Gabe, Alexis and I just watched with confused expressions as Jaime cheered and Tony sighed.

It ended with Vic pinning Mike to the ground with a thud.

"EW Fuencest." Jaime grimaced.

"JAIME CHILL!!" Vic screamed rolling off Mike.

"What in the hell is Fuencest?" I asked.

"It's a ship name the fans came up with for me and Vic." Mike explained with a highly disgusted expression.

"A ship name?" Gabe asked with confusion.

"GABRIEL HOW DARE YOU!!" Alexis screamed.

"I didn't know we were on full name basis." Gabe said with wide eyes.

"We gingers gotta stick together man." Alexis sighed fist bumping him.

"A ship name is when you take two people's names and put them together creating a ship. Shipping is when you think two people would be cute in a relationship." Tony explained.

"Like Kellic!" Vic said wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in close to him. His cool presence sent shivers down my spine.

I liked the sound of that. Kellic

{Author's Note: Shorter chapter kind of just a filler. Tell me what you think and keep voting <3}

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