Chapter 19

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Vic's POV

I had just woken up in me and Kellin's bedroom under the covers with him. I had my arms wrapped around him and his back pressed against my chest.

It'd been three days since I had woken up and I was pretty much fully functioning again. I had Kellin, my friends, and my brother with me again. Everything seemed okay.

Besides Natalie.

I knew she was coming and I knew I needed to be prepared, but how? Every time I mentioned the gold chain, Kellin or Mike would cut me off. They seemed to be the most opposed to it. I needed this though. I wasn't there to protect Alexis, so I needed to be able to do something next time a fight happens.

I slowly pulled away from Kellin and slipped out of bed, trying my best not to make any noise. I opened the door and shut it quickly walking down the stairs.

Waiting in the kitchen were the three people I needed. Jaime, Tony, and Gabe. They were the people I needed to help me with this.

"Hey guys is my brother still asleep?" I asked.

"Yeah. He and Alysha had a long night you could say." Jaime answered, laughing as Tony punched him in the arm for being immature.

"Hey, Gabe. Where were you last night? You missed the Taco Bell raid." Tony asked.

"Just doing some work." Gabe replied, shrugging. He had been acting really weird lately and disappearing randomly, but I decided not to question it too much.

I sat down in front of them and spoke quietly.

"I want to learn how to use the chains guys." I told them.

They all sat up immediately. Gabe was staring at me intensely.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Vic." Tony mumbled. He looked nervous and almost uncomfortable.

Gabe stood up quickly. "I don't see why not. You'll need to defend yourself from Natalie eventually." He added.

"That's exactly what I thought!" I sighed in relief.

"Jaime and Tony. Are you coming?" Gabe asked them.

"Jaime is not going to.." Tony started.

"I'm going." Jaime interjected firmly.

Gabe smirked. "The more the merrier." He said with an almost evil undertone.

"You don't have to show me Jaime. I'll just have you there for moral support." I assured him, patting his shoulder. I remembered what they had told me about Jaime being weird with the chains.

He shrugged and followed Gabe to the car. Tony gave me a look of warning and trailed after them with me. I still wasn't sure why everyone was acting so strange, but I didn't want to start anything so I kept quiet.

A few minutes later the car pulled up to an empty warehouse. The walls on the outside were littered with faded graffiti and chewed gum. As we exited the car and walked to the backdoor, Jaime pulled a card. He cleaned it off with his shirt before sliding it in the door. A light above us turned green and the door creaked open.

The room was large and bare. The only thing there was a vault in the middle of the floor.

Jaime approached it and turned the dials until it opened. I saw a light come out and a long golden chain inside.

It was compelling honestly. As soon as I saw it, I wanted it in my grasp. I knew I shouldn't go to it though. I saw Jaime staring at it with the same lust as I had been, but Tony lightly pulled him backwards and he snapped out of it.

Gabe calmly removed it from its cell. The chain seemed to come alive in his hands and dance around him.

"Alright, Vic. The first step is knowing how to hold it. Jaime, would you like to demonstrate?" Gabe suggested, extending a hand to Jaime.

"What the hell, Gabe? No. You know he can't." Tony said sternly.

"Fuck off, Tony. You're not my mom." Jaime spat, rolling his eyes. I saw Jaime walk towards it.

"Wait. Gabe, can't you show me?" I asked almost desperately. I knew something bad would happen if Jaime got a hold of that chain. Why was Gabe encouraging this?

"Jaime's better at it. Come on, man. Jaime will be fine." Gabe persuaded.

Before I could say anything else, Jaime was gripping the chain. It whipped around him quickly, but it didn't touch him once. His muscles tensed and his veins stuck out.

"Jaime..." I said slowly.

His head spun around to look at me. He started walking towards me and I knew it was game over. I had to get out of there. I turned around to bolt and a wall of air hit me sending me closer to my friend. I felt the chain wrap around my neck and raise me in the air.

My vision blurred quickly, but I could make out Gabe dragging Tony away through a door. I reached out to him, but my arm fell back to my side while the other clawed at the chain around my neck.

"Jaime please." I choked out.

The metal loosened slightly and dropped me hard. I felt the concrete against my back and the breath was taken out from me. Jaime was staring down at me with a confused expression.

"Jaime, its Vic. We're friends. Please." I coughed.

The chain nearly dropped out of his hand when the doors burst open.

"VIC!" cried two familiar voices from the door.

My boyfriend and little brother were here to save the day.

"I think I broke my nail." Whined another voice.

Looks like my little brother's girlfriend was also going to save the day.
{Author's Note: I'm so sorry for how late this was. I hope you enjoyed!)

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