Nut House

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Hoseok pov
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten" I mumbled to myself as the two nurses walked me down the white hall.

My therapist told me if I counted to ten it will help with my anger, I guess it kinda works.

My nose burned the longer I inhaled the chemical smell of the hospital, the walls and floors smelled like they were drenched in it. I hate hospitals, just the smell. Suddenly the nurses stopped in front of a white door with a small glass window bolted into the middle. The glass was kinda dirty but I was able to see a bed on either side of the room and in between the beds was a white table. I also noticed a body lying on the left bed, it was wearing all white as well. What's with hospitals and white? I felt my heart beat quicken as one of nurses took out a key card and went to unlock the door. "Wait they didn't say I was going to have a roommate." I mumbled, one, two, three, four, five, six- "Well life isn't fair." The nurse laughed before swiping the key card and shoving me into the foreign room. I turned around to try and run out of the room but instead I ran into the metal door. A groan escaped my lips as I rubbed my sore forehead, surely a bruise was forming. "Are you ok?" A airy voice asked from behind me. I don't work well with other people. I turned around and frowned when I saw who the voice belonged to. He had full lips, dull orange hair, chubby cheeks, and a small slender body.

I could easily snap him like a twig.

"I'm fine." I said flatly then proceeded to sit on my bed. It's an insult to beds everywhere to call this piece of crap a bed. The boy was sitting on his bed like a child would, criss cross applesauce. It reminded me of my days in kindergarten, I stabbed at kid with a pencil. Fun times. The boy suddenly tilted his head to the side as if he was a confused puppy, he looked like a puppy. Pouty lips, innocent eyes, and he was shorter than me. I like short people, they make me feel powerful. Me and the boy continued to examine each other, openly studying each others facial features and bodies. I couldn't figure out why he was in this loony bin. He seemed harmless, innocent, fragile.

I want to break him.

"You look angry." The boy finally spoke, each word said with an almost child like tone. As if he was a toddler who was speaking to an adult. I couldn't help the scoff that escaped my lips, "yeah I am." The boy seemed surprised, his eyes widening to show the tops of his pupils. His shock didn't last long because he was soon back to a silly smiling look. "Why are you angry?" The boy giggled, almost childlike. Is he serious? "Who wouldn't be angry if they were locked up with a complete stranger?" I asked through clenched teeth, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. The boys face suddenly darkened, his eyebrows knitted together and a frown took over his plump lips. "You're right." He mumbled, all child like tones gone from his voice. He actually had a deep voice, it was rough and sleep filled. I nodded, proud of myself for killing the boys spirit, then lied down on the lumpy mattress. "My name is Jimin." The boy suddenly squealed happily. I cracked open my eyes to peak at the boy and found him in the same position as earlier, but this time his smile was bigger. So big it consumed his eyes, how cute. "Hello Jimin." I groaned before closing my eyes again. I don't like him. He's to happy.

I could easily strangle him.

"What's your name?" Jimin asked, he sounded so childish. It frustrated me. "Why do you talk like a toddler?" I asked, not bothering to look at him. The room was silent, did I hurt his feelings? I hope so. "Because I can!" Jimin shouted angrily, the tone of his voice was so deep I would've thought it was an entirely different person. It almost turned me on. I peaked to look at Jimin and found him clenching his fists in anger. He looked better angry. "You look sexy when you're angry." I joked, seeing if it would rile up the boy even more. "I don't like being angry." Jimin mumbled, this time his voice was soft and pained. I sighed, "well get used to it."

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