From The Past - Elijah

Start from the beginning

"Did she give him up?" Hayley asked quietly.

"No. Mikael came between them. Elijah and Aviana decided it was best for them to stay apart, at least until Mikael was dead or grew tired of his silly hunting games. They went their separate ways, us away from Mikael, and Aviana to live her own life. Elijah only wanted what was best for her, and he could see that running from our father had begun to take its toll. Elijah hasn't seen Aviana since, and he hasn't ever loved anyone as deeply as he loved her. Not even his love for Celéste could compare with his love for Aviana."

"Not even his interest in me." Hayley sighed. "I've lost him, haven't I?"

"If she sticks around? Maybe." Klaus sighed.

The sound of footsteps came from the other side of the store and the two hybrids spotted Elijah and Aviana walking towards them. Elijah's eyes darted towards his past love every few seconds as she kept up a steady pace, her head facing forward. As they stepped in front of the two, Aviana turned to Hayley.

"So, Elijah tells me you are the mother of Niklaus's child." Aviana stared Hayley down, instantly knowing of the emotion the hybrid held for the original.

"Yes." Hayley nodded, ready to challenge Aviana right back. "And Klaus tells me you were Elijah's first love."

"That's right." Aviana smiled, her eyes dropping to the ground before flicking back to Elijah, who was still watching her with emotion-filled eyes. "We've loved each other for a long time, and I think we still do."

Elijah's lips slowly cracked into a smile until he caught sight of Hayley, her face distraught.

"Unless.... I'm interrupting something here." Aviana trailed off, almost seeming sympathetic, but Hayley knew better.


"No you're not." Klaus interrupted. "Hayley and Elijah are merely family due to the birth of my daughter."

Hayley and Elijah's mouths fell open in shock at Klaus's response.

"Brother, may I talk to you, please?" Elijah glared at Niklaus, as the two vampires walked to the back of the store.

"If you're going to bitch about what I told Aviana, I do have a valid reason for my actions."

"Go ahead, brother. Tell me why I should so easily disregard Hayley's feelings and go after the woman who I have not seen in over a millennium!"

"Hayley, no matter how much she's touched your heart, is not the one for you."

"Niklaus, I am not Rebekah. You cannot tell me who is the proper person for my interest to go towards."

"Elijah, you do not remember the pain you went though when you separated from Aviana do you?"

"I remember it quite well, brother." Elijah cut him off with a brisk nod.

"Do you remember how much she meant to you? Do you remember spending every waking moment with her, wanting her to be yours, wanting her to stay by your side forever?"

"Your point is what, Niklaus?"

"My point is this. I may not know much about love from the last decade, but when Camille passed away, I was thrust through a storm cloud of emotions, ones that I never knew existed. I loved Cami with all of my heart, and imagining my life without her pained me. Living my life without her is even more so. I would do anything to have her back, and now I understand that you can only really find that kind of love once in your life. Elijah, Aviana is that love for you. That kind of love is a burning, raw passion. It's wanting to be together the moment the sun comes up, to the moment it goes down and rises again in the morning. Aviana was your first and is your only love. I know it may be hard to hurt Hayley, but trust me, it will hurt more to let go of the woman of whom enveloped your memories over the last millennium. You may not believe my intentions for pushing you towards Aviana are for your sake, but I promise, brother, I only want to see that joy in your eyes again. You were happy with her, much happier than I've seen you in awhile. I want that for you again."

"Niklaus, I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're right. I love Hayley, but my love for Aviana is stronger. I cannot imagine a day without her, and now that we've run into each other after all of these years, I know that I cannot let her go again." Elijah sighed, turning on his heel and walking back towards Aviana and Hayley. "Come, Avi, we must talk."

"Elijah?" Hayley questioned with hopeful eyes.

The original looked down at the ground, then slowly looked up to meet the eyes of the hybrid. "I'm sorry, Hayley."

Hayley's eyes began to water, and Elijah almost paused, but Klaus gave him a curt nod and brought Hayley to the other side of the store. Elijah walked outside, peeking his ears up to hear the footsteps of his lover following him. Turning quickly down an alleyway, he spun around, startling Aviana before grasping her waist and pinning her against the wall.

"I have made up my mind." He whispered huskily.

"And what is it that you've decided?"

"I'm not letting you leave. I'm not letting you leave the state. I'm not letting you leave New Orleans. I'm not letting you leave my sight. Niklaus made a very important point to me, darling. You only find love once, and the love that we have is nothing compared to what I felt with Hayley. I do love her, but that was only because I thought I would never get a chance to see you again. Mikael is dead, Avi. We're free to be together. And, if you still want to, we're free to resume our relationship. I've always loved you, Aviana. I always will."

"Oh, Elijah." She smiled, her eyes lighting up at his words. "I've never stopped loving you. I want to be with you, and I promise to love you unconditionally. I promise to be by your side through every battle. And, I promise to never stop fighting for you. Always and forever."

"Always and forever indeed." Elijah agreed, pulling her in for a passionate kiss.


I hope you all enjoyed! Don't forget to follow my Instagram (@ivoryconfessions) to see new promos for all of my books and find out about the next chapters before they're posted! Love you all!
xx lavender baby 💋

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