Strange noises erupted from the machines of the patient beside me, pulling me out of the darkness that was drowning me. I opened my eyes and focused on the patient in the bed next to me whose machines kept on making strange noises. I couldn't see who it was, however I could tell that I definitely knew this person, which basically only left two options; it was either Selena or Lauren.

Quickly, my doctor came back in the room to assist the patient beside me. He checked all of the monitors and machines in a hurry to try to assess the problem. I watched as the doctor seemed to realize what was wrong and was able to at least stop the machines from doing what they were doing. Whether or not the patient was alright or not; I was totally clueless.

"What happened?" I wrote a note for the doctor. "This patient needs more blood than we gave her. We'll have to give her more. For now she's alright though, it was just kind of like a warning," he informed me, causing me to nod my head. "Anyhow," he continued, "about your throat, the cause of your pain is undetermined. It could be as simple as because your throat just doesn't heal as fast as the average, or it may be something much worse. It's probably the first one, though." I smiled to thank him as he walked out again.

Closing my eyes to get some rest, I realized something important. Selena had only gotten spinal damage due to the crash. She wouldn't need any blood transfusions. However, Lauren had been shot and lost a significant amount of blood. This must have meant that Lauren was lying in the bed right beside me, possibly in serious danger of not making it through.

Camila's POV

Demi and I were in constant contact since that moment at the gas station. She told me everything that had happened, except for what had happened with Selena and Lauren. Whenever I'd bring it up, she'd say that she'd have to go or something of that sort. This worried me deeply because I felt as though there was perhaps something incredibly important that she wasn't telling me about two of the most important people in my life.

Geoffrey's information had been correct, as he had actually brought me to the White House. He had brought me in without a problem and left me in a grand room with my mother and little sister, who I was overjoyed to see. It was hard for me to believe that they were even alive because I had thought that either Bryce or Geoffrey would have done something like shot at least one of them.

Even though it had only been about a week since the entire thing, it felt like I had been trapped in that room forever. The only contact we had was with each other, and with a guard who would bring us food three times a day, as well as with Demi since we would text, although it was really just to say what was going on for each of us.

"Food," the guard said from the door, breaking me from my thoughts. My mother, my sister, and I went to him and took the bag he had provided us. "Thanks," I muttered as he left without forgetting to close and lock the door. This was the standard procedure we went through three times a day. Even though we were fed, being in this room was torture because we were basically sitting around waiting for our death sentence. Bryce had made it very clear to my mother that he was going to do this to all of us.

My family and I sat on the giant bed in the room and opened the bag to reveal three small sandwiches; one for each of us. I nibbled on my food in silence as my mother gave her sandwich to my little sister since she needed to eat much more than we were being provided. Sofia was losing a lot of weight, which certainly wasn't good for her. The same happened to both Lauren and I, although we had gained some of it back after we started working.

I got up to throw away the bag that our food had come in when a folded piece of paper fell out of it. I picked it up and opened it to reveal that it was note from Geoffrey. "I'm coming to get you out and bring you to Bryce in a week. I can't do this if you're not there," it read. I threw out the note with the bag as I began to ponder over it.

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