Beginning of a Devious Plan

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Chapter 7

Covering your cheek protectively with your hand, you waited silently for her outburst.

"Did I not make myself clear yesterday? You are my tool. Only mine. I will allow your misadventure with that orange-haired whore slide. But your exchange with the big boobed tornado-haired slut? I won't allow it."

Feeling a sudden surge of bitterness, you scoffed. "Why are you so obsessed with what I do? Aren't you happy I got you speaking to Yamada-Senpai?"

Yandere-Chan looked taken back by your sudden personality change. Then she smirked.

She slowly stalking towards you, cornering you between her and a wall.

"I think it's time you meet my... friend."


You waited outside info club. Yandere-Chan had ordered you to wait here whilst she spoke to her 'friend'. Slightly puzzled, you did as she asked. Out of curiosity, you tried to open the door slightly to peek inside, but found it locked.

You sighed, starting to get impatient.

You heard the door open behind you, and felt someone grab your arm, pulling you into a darkly lit room.

Locking the door behind her, Yandere-Chan motioned for you to walk with her. A few meters in front of you sat a red haired girl, completely focused on a computer monitor.

You turned to ask Yandere-Chan why you were here, but she just put her finger on your mouth. "Be quiet."

Feeling your skin tickle from where she touched you, you nodded.

"Hello there. Welcome." You watched as the red haired girl turned her chair to face you both.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, (y/n) (l/n). We don't get many visitors from (your/country) in this small town of ours. However, I'd like to be the first to welcome you back."

You looked at her confused. You didn't remember telling anyone that you lived here when you were younger.

Smirking at your confusion, the red haired girl continued. "It's especially brave of you to come back after what happened to your mother."

Your eyes widened. How the hell did she know this? This was private police information, that only got shared with the family.

Yandere-Chan noticed your distress, taking an interest in your reaction.

"H-how did you know? T-that's not..." the girl scoffed.

"Irrelevant." The red-haired girl's blunt answer left you completely anguished.

She pulled out a folder, and handed it to Yandere-Chan. "This is everything you requested. Now leave."

The rude way she spoke to Yandere-chan agitated you, but to your surprise Yandere-Chan simply nodded and dragged you out of the room.

"W-who was that..?"

"Info-Chan. Before you ask, no. I don't know her real name, no one does." Before you could ask anymore questions, she gave you a hard look.

"Asking questions will end up with no answers and more questions."

Unable to shake that meeting from your mind, you tried to change the subject. "What's in the folders she gave you?"

Yandere-chan smirked.

"More tools."

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