75 | cm punk wins

271 24 74

   I was originally going to name this chapter, ❝CM PUNK'S A GOD AND STEPHANIE MCMAHON IS SHIT❞

   but isn't that title just a little too long?

   I mean, even though I practically worship Punk, I know he's not a god.

   He's not a prophet, he's just a man. Just a man who from DAY ONE spoke NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH.

   Sometimes life is really fucked up and BAD SHIT will happen to GOOD PEOPLE. Although I am a natural born cynical little shit, I also do believe that occasionally, something in the earth tilts and all the stars align in their right fucking places and a beautiful thing called KARMA strikes down to expose the truth.

   On these days, GOOD STUFF will happen TO GOOD PEOPLE, and salty ass two faced fuckers will get shitted on.

   Now, I've occassionally expressed some good words on Stephanie McMahon. Let me just preface this by saying that I'm sure she's a great mother, a great wife (even though she was messing with a man who had the 9th wonder of the world as a girl friend // shame on both really). I'm sure she's a great daughter, sister, blah blah.

   Stephanie's character 'gimmick' is amazing as she goes into it 100% and I can fully respect that. I love her as a heel and think she's undoubtedly one of the best in the mic, most organic at cutting promos, and just down right cut throat which again, I appreciate because my favorite kinds of villains are the ones that are entirely despicable.

   With that said, I fucking hate 'business, running the company' WWE. I really do think that Stephanie is CLUELESS as to what to do with the company. I think that Triple H has better ideas, but ultimately, Punk said it best when he called them "doofus" and "idiotic."

   They have the best talent / rosters they've EVER had and while they've pulled some good story lines, I think the ratings say everything. Just good "WWE ratings" and you'll get good charts summing up the DROP of viewers since Trips + Steph emerged in the backstage scene as "COO" or whatever the fuck they do.

   As amazing as Stephanie is with her gimmick, I don't have an doubt in my bones that she's really one of the most JUDGMENTAL, HATING, GRUDGE-HOLDING, PETTY bitches I've ever seen on television.

    - CHYNA + CM PUNK.

   Need I say more?

   Same for Triple H really. He's great and all ... I mean I adore what he's done for NXT, but I mean ... I was always a die-hard Shawn Michaels girl when DX was a thing.

   Triple H 'solo' has never worked if you ask me because in DX, he shinned with Shawn. As the Authority run, he's got Stephanie who ultimately fucking wears the pants in that relationship, not that it's a bad thing ... but just saying.


   So last Monday Night Raw was it?

   This shit happened:

   This shit happened:

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