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Review from this week's Monday Night Raw.
(Sorry I didn't get to it after Monday Night Raw ended, I had to be a good noodle student & study for exams )


I love Big E
I love Kofi Kingston
I love Xavier Woods.

Big E- No doubt that this guy has always been entertaining, but ever since he was given a push with New Day, he's been out of this world ELECTRIC. That's right. Big E could so go head on with the Rock and whoop his candy ass verbally and physically! 

His hips do not lie and omg that man needs to be on Dancing with the Stars at some point cause Big E has rhythm xD

Also, out of the three he's the one that fits the "big guy" champion mold the most.

I'm all for supporting minorities, especially when black people in the WWE have hardly been given the chance to shine/ hold gold. 

The last African American that held gold in the WWE/got an actual good push was Bobby Lashley. 


Xavier Woods- Woods is the Paul Heyman of wrestlers. NO ONE has ever pitched for his teammates the way that Xavier has. Some people think he's annoying AF but the man dances on the brink of genius! He's so hilarious that you CANNOT hate him. Like how? He LAUGHS in the face of his opponent and taunts them with a musical instrument xD

I love Xavier so much, especially the way that he yells- NEW DAAAAY!

Kofi Kingston- At the start of this beautiful trifecta that New Day is, Kofi was the weak link in terms of being a heel/owning the mic. But as of lately, Kofi's been on FIYAAAAH! Omfg his twerkin surprised the fuck out of me and made me legit shed a tear of happiness because you can see that he's really let go now.

His mic skills are A++ and he's so freaking adorable yet he owns being bad xD

Kofi's another guy that deserves to be in the IC picture at the very least.


That 16 man tag-team match was horrendous and so freaking cringe worthy that at one point, I walked the fuck away just to cool down.

You can tell that there is SERIOUS INTERNAL issues going on in the WWE when 16 professionals can't get along to put on a choreographed, practice match. The morale and unity that the WWE used to have within it's wrestlers is pretty much non-existent at this point.

Remember when we used to have the rosters face against each other and there'd be like 50+ wrestlers in the ring and it was all so fucking brilliant that you didn't even know where to watch? Your eyes would go from left to right to up and down just to keep the ef up cause you didn't wanna miss a single second of it- and now you just close your eyes and hope it ends soon.

You know it's bad when Dean, a guy that's HARDLY if not botched for the first time messed up with another seasoned pro (Del Rio). I've watched the video repeatedly and not only did Ambrose not aim high enough, Del Rio backed away too soon and they had such a cringe worthy botch.

Sure, they both recovered from it but then there was MORE BOTCHING.

- Jimmy or Jay sends Rusev to the corner so gently I swear they're in love or something and then Rusev barely eve launches himself to the corner.

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