57 | smack down sept 17, 2016

182 19 11

Updating from my phone as the show goes!

Stray observation: the belt looks so good on AJ.

- "The Champ is here." + "I told you so!"
I can't wait for Cena and Styles to duel it out once more. Say whatever you will about John, but his chemistry with Styles is out of this world.
It's honestly at a Owens / Zayn chemistry level.

"John Cena sucks"
Yo, I'll be the first one admit that I love that chant although it's rude.
I love how savage the crowd can be at times. I love that it doesn't phase Cena.

Cena on the mic is a god.

At times people regard the Rock as the best on the mic but ey, I don't think anyone is nearly as passionate as Cena when he gives his speeches.


Angry Dean Ambrose is back and him calling AJ a boy was hilarious.
"Your life changes when I'm your enemy."
I need unstable Ambrose against Rollins again please.

Cena calling out Ambrose—
Calling him out for what Austin said, saying he has no balls was fucking epic


Dean calling Cena a lazy part timer was grandiose as fuck.

I don't think Cena is lazy at all, but Ambrose is right in calling him a corporate puppet.


Shane is 3000% better than Mick + Steph together. I love Mick but ugh, Shane makes it seem so real and effortless.

As predicted, Styles will defend his Championship against Cena and Ambrose in a triple threat at No Mercy.

Being that it's No Mercy, I hope this match has an interesting stipulation. Maybe a hell in a cell or TLC?

I also hope they don't leave Ambrose out of the equation and equally build him up as much as Cena + Styles will.

What are your thoughts?

Anything I missed that you'd like to point out / found funny?

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