"Hey, I'm not that little! You're the one who weighs like two pounds." He said. "I didn't say that to be rude, but you are really small." He added, making sure I didn't feel offended.

"Am not." I murmured.

"Are too." He said back, and bumped into my shoulder with his own.

"Yeah, yeah." I bumped back into him, deciding not to get into an argument about him over this. "I have to get going, my break is ending soon." I explained to him. A small pout formed across the lower region of his face. And if I said that wasn't the cutest thing I've ever seen, I'd be lying.

We packed up the blanket, and threw the trash into the basket it as well, then we separated. Vic going back to the dorm, and me going back to hell - I mean work.

I got back to the café just in time, earning a disapproving look from Hayley. I could care less though, she'd get over it. I'm a good employee. I'm always on time, I don't slack nearly as much as the other workers do, and I make sure the customers are happy.

After getting the death glance from Hayley, I went back into the back to clock in, and put my hat and apron back on. I then returned to my spot at the counter where I made the beverages. Sooner than I expected, 6 o’clock rolled around and it was time for everyone to go home. We were closing early today. What for? I don't know, but I don't really care because I get to leave either way.

I was cleaning up a mess I made while making a drink at the counter, when Hayley came from the corner and got my attention. "Hey Kell Bell!" The pale girl said and tossed some keys at me. And me being the klutz I am, I almost didn't catch them. "Will you lock up for me tonight? I have to leave early."

There was about 10 minutes left before we closed and went home, and I don't see why she had to leave early, but I don't really see what harm in closing for once can do. But, I was still going to tease her about it in some way, because that's just me.

"Where you going? Got a hot date tonight?" I said with a little grin, totally joking. But I was surprised when the red head turned her head away, trying to hide the cheeky smile and blush rising on her cheeks.

"Oh my God, you do! Where are you guys going? What does he look like? Is he hot? Muscular? Tall?" I rambled, excited for her. This is how I get when I'm excited and I can't help it.

Hayley chuckled and shook her head at my eagerness, amused with my reaction. "Kellin, your gay is showing again." She teased.

Yes, she knew I was gay, and I'm sure most people, if not everyone, on the campus knew that as well. I told you I don't hide my sexuality, I was just thankful that Hayley accepted me, unlike some people. "Well, maybe that's because I am gay. Ever think of that one?" I playfully shot back.

I heard an angry sounding sigh from behind me, so I turned around, only to see and annoyed Ronnie looking back at me. There was no doubt in my mind that I was afraid of him still, I mean he did beat me up with Chris and the others from time to time. I didn't want to make him madder, so I quickly turned back around and changed the subject.

"Anyways, yeah I'll lock up." I accepted her offer, even though it was more of a demand than an offer.

"Great. All you need to do is make sure all the doors are locked, the security system is set, and the cameras are on." She explained to me. In the first few days when I started here she already showed me how to do all of this, so it wasn't a big deal.

"Alright, sounds good to me."

"Okay, well I'm leaving. I don't want to be late." She said shyly, and headed towards the front door. "Bye!"

You Stole My Heart With Your Diamond Blue Eyes (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now