Colby Imagine 15-Cute for Mallory

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I only had one thought on my mind. My two worlds were about to collide. And I had no idea what was going to happen.

My YouTuber boyfriend meeting all my school friends.

'Oh God, I hope they approve of each other,' I thought to myself but my boyfriend walked into the room. Colby Brock.

"Ok babe, I'm ready," he said.

So you reached for you keys.


After a car ride filled with music and laughing, you were ready for all your friends to meet your boyfriend.

You and Colby were at the mall and you could see all your friends sitting on benches outside while talking.

You stepped out of the car and grabbed Colby's hand. Once one of your friends sees you they all turn their heads.

"MALLORY!!" they all screamed. They all rushed up to you and Colby.

You hugged everyone and introduced them all to Colby.

"Colby, these are all my friends Guys, this is my boyfriend, Colby."

He said hi and they all started blushing. But what they did next surprised you.

Everyone started talking to Colby but didn't even notice you were there. They all shoved you out of the way. You felt so betrayed and hurt and you needed to leave before you punched someone.

"I'm going to go buy some stuff," you shouted to Colby but he acted like he didn't hear you.  He seemed more than friendly with all your friends. It was like you didn't exist anymore. You stalked off.

You heard Colby call your name but you didn't stop. You were walking around for a couple minutes until two arms wrapped around your waist. It was Colby.

"Colby, get off me. Go hang out with my friends like you want to."

Colby didn't let go.

"Colby. I said get off me."

"Mallory, please let me explain."

You spun around and glared at Colby. None of your so-called friends were in sight. It was just you and him alone.

Ok, whatever.

"Fine. Explain"

"Babygirl, please don't be mad. It was all a misunderstanding. I was acting friendly because I know how much your friends mean to you. When I saw you upset, it broke my heart. I had hurt you. I tried to get away from them but they were all crowding me. Eventually, I had to yell at them. They all left and I rushed to find you. Please Mallory, I'm so sorry."

As always you couldn't stay mad at Colby.

"It's ok Colby. I know you didn't mean to hurt me."

Colby leaned in and kissed you and you knew nothing could ever come between you two.


I'm sorry it's short but I had a limited time to write this.

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