Sam Imagine 14-Dark

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"Goddammit Sam! You know I hate it when you stay out all night without texting me."

"Please let me explain..."

"No, Sam! You've done this so many times before. I can't take it. All you have to do is send one simple text! Or call! Or, even better, DON'T DO IT."

You had trust issues. After years of people cheating on you and abuse from your childhood, it took years for you to trust someone. You trusted Sam at one point, but he betrayed you by cheating on you one night. You gave him a second chance but he still kept going out and wouldn't say anything. Not even Colby knew where he went.

"Is this about me cheating? That was one simple mistake baby..."

"That's not what it's about Sam!"


He threw up his hands. He wasn't going to hit you but you flinched anyway. Suddenly, a memory you've tried to bury for years resurfaced.


You were 7. Your little sister was 5. And she was about to get hit. By your dad. You couldn't let  that happen. She'd never been hit before.

You shoved her into an open closet and shut the door. Then you whirled around to face your dad. His hand hit your head so hard that you fell.

"Mommy! Help!" She was standing in the corner. Just watching.

Then your dad's boot hit your stomach. Over and over. But he wasn't done. He grabbed your hair and pulled you to your feet. Using your hair as a handle to keep you up, he hit you. In your face, chest, legs, back, and anywhere else that he could reach. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a blade. You started shaking. He could easily kill you. But instead he grabbed your arm and made a deep four inch cut down your wrist.

Later, your little sister cleaned the wound and stopped the blood but that scar was going to be there forever.

**End of flashback**

You retreated quickly while whimpering. Sam slowly lowered his hand after realizing what he had done. He slowly approached you.

"Baby, come here. I'm so sorry. I didn't think... Oh god. Please forgive me."

"It's ok Sam. It's not your fault."

He wrapped you in a tight hug.

"I promise to stop staying out. I'm sorry. I can't lose you.


Ok! I'm trying to catch up on imagine so DM me any requests!

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