Sam and Colby Imagine 11 - He Hits You

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This was EXTREMELY painful to write. Viewer discretion is advised.

Colby- "Sometimes I can't believe you!" I yelled at Colby.
He kissed another girl in front of me and was acting like it was my fault.
"She was a fan! What else was I supposed to do?" he yelled back. "Maybe not have kissed her and told her that you have a girlfriend!"
"Maybe having you as a girlfriend was a mistake!"
That shocked me but I recovered quickly.
"Well why are your stupid fans kissing you when they know you have a girlfriend!"
I felt the impact before my mind registered his hand coming towards me. I fell back into the wall before falling to the ground. Colby looked shocked but walked out the door. As soon as the door shut, I grabbed my phone. I was crying and my voice was shaky but I needed to get out of there. I called Reed and told him the whole story. He was mad and said he would come get me and that I could stay at his place. I packed all of my stuff from Colby's apartment and waited on the couch. The door opened and I was relieved to see that it wad Reed.
"Let's go," he told me. I quickly got up and followed him outside. In the hall we saw Colby. I flinched and stopped walking. Both Colby and Reed saw. Colby reached out to touch me but Reed stepped between us. Colby had tears in his eyes but let me go. Once we got to Reed's, I checked my phone. I had 42 messages from Sam and Colby saying that they were sorry but I ignored them. I couldn't talk to them. Not after what happened.

Sam- "Why do your fans hate me?" I screamed at Sam.
"They just don't understand why I'm not with one of the fans. Just ignore them."
"I can't ignore over 1,000 hate comments on a single tweet, Sam!"
"Then don't tweet anything!" he yelled, starting to get mad.
"I'm not going to let your fans control my life like they control yours! All you think about is your fans! You don't care about me, but you care about dumb teenage girls who you don't even know!"
I saw Sam's fist fly towards me but I didn't bother to stop him. I just let him hit me. I flew back against the wall while holding my jaw. Sam looked into my teary eyes and started to say,
"Baby, I'm sor-."
"Don't. I'm not your baby. Not anymore."
He stood there shocked while I packed my stuff and called Devin. He came and got me. Right as we were about to get out the door, we saw Colby. He didn't say anything but looked at me with confused eyes.
"If you want to know what happened go ask Sam, if it's not obvious," I said, rubbing my jaw. His face became a mask of shock. With that, Devin and I left. And I didn't plan on coming back.

Should I make a part 2?????? It was nearly impossible to write this especially because they both have such sweet natures.

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