"Fine... let's hope for the best to themhopefully."


"Let's go out for a drink? Tonight! 10-sharp" Aga said, inviting Bea was really awkward for him but the cowboy Bea is always game... especially if it's Aga's.

"Napapadalas yata ang weekend bar hopping? May problema ba tayo Ags?"

"Ha? Wala naman... gusto ko lang mag unwind"

"Kasama ako?" Bea asked

Aga smirked and placed his hand on her shoulder "Yes, madame! Mamaya ha?"

Aga and Bea arrived at Pegu Club. They ordered earl grey cocktail.

"So... tell me, what brought you here every weekend?" Bea asked

"Ha? Ngayon lang nga ako nakapag-hang out"

"With me.. but i've heard last week it was my Kuya then the week prior to that was with—"

"Shh... dami mong alam ah?" he laughed

"Eh, kasi ikaw eh. Ano nga problema mo? Girlfriend?"

He smirked "Nope. Wala nga akong girlfriend"


"Hindi rin"

Bea clicked her tongue "Eto... impossible, pera?"

"Hindi rin"

"So ano?"

"Wala nga.. hindi ba pwedeng mag unwind?"

"Loko! Basta pag may problem ka, handa naman akong makinig"


There are so many things Aga want to say to Bea's face, but he can't. Why can't he just tell her? He don't want Bea to think that he just want her company all throughout his recovery period. He is suffering from too much pain and he don't want him to blame it all to Lea because he knew he also too, has fault why their relationship ended that way.

Now he has Bea... she's a great individual, a great company to be with. She's quiet, but she always know exactly what to say when she actually do speak. She's so driven and head strong on her future goals to herself and to their company, which is really attractive for him. She care more about her friends and family than herself, which makes her so selfless. She always think of the things to smile about, rather than to pout and dwell on the negatives in life. She is just herself, and that's his favorite part.

He now find himself weird around her. Lately, he just want to be with Bea all the time.

Aga is thankful to this woman who always reminds him what she likes about him, and just reassuring him that his doing life right. Not feeling like he have to change who he is around her is the best feeling she could possibly give him.

Probably the most impressive part of her is that they don't change who they were around others. He aren't afraid to give his jacket to her on a cold walk home. He will text her and make sure she made it home ok.

Never could he ever thank her enough for changing him for the better. Making him look at life a whole lot differently, and a lot more happily. Opening up her mind, and telling him all of her secret thoughts. Not being afraid to let him in, and embrace things together.


They're out for the scheduled vaccination of the twins. When they arrived at the Pediatrician's clinic, Lea saw her Clinical Instructor, Cara Roshe —she's a Fil-Brit EU Physician, during her training period at Addenbrooke.

Remedial Heart (LeAga)Where stories live. Discover now