????: "Coming Vikky."

As he opened the door, the first thing I noticed was his impossible smile, he was so beautiful and incredible that I swear it could kill a man, and every time he smiled at me. I just couldn't stand, I looked up and noticed he had dyed his hair.

Vik: "You have died your hair brown?"

????: "Yeah I've been getting a few jokes about my hair so I thought fuck it, I would never cut it but still, I think it suits me."

Vik: "You could be bald and it would absolutely suit you. You never fail to impress me so what's in the oven?"

????: "Well I can't afford a lot obviously. But, I could afford to make some garlic and pesto chicken roulade."

Vik: "That sounds incredible. And you can really smell the garlic."

????: "I was originally going to make a Kiev but I remembered I always fuck it up, so I thought I'd just make something easier instead. Hey your cheeks are puffy and your eyes are a little red, Baby have you cried at all today? Are you ok Love?"

I kept my mouth shut and just moved over to him, he knew what I needed and reached over towards me, wrapping me up in his arms as he held me close. He leaned down to my short body and kissed the top of my head as he held me. I loved this man, I have for so long, and I honestly can't ever picture him being with anyone else. It would kill me.

????: "What happened baby?"

Vik: "Just, the boys, I couldn't tell them about you. I get so scared to how they would react, and each year you have been back home in Australia, the last thing you need is to be completely alone for the Christmas holidays. But I couldn't talk to them about it, Josh got really defensive and it was worrying to say the least and..."

I felt him lean down and kiss me, I could feel the smile creeping on his lips while I couldn't help my own. After a few seconds he pulled away and looked at me, caressing my cheeks gently.

????: "I have an idea but you might not like it."

Vik: "I won't take you to meet the boys, I'm scared enough as it is worrying about whether or not I will even be able to have a home when I get back."

????: "If they kick you out, then you can stay here with me until you either find your own place or go back to your parents."

Vik: "You aren't here long though, your leaving again in August."

????: "That's true but we need to make this work, I will be able to see you more often if we meet your friends, and besides it's Christmas, they can't kick you out."

Vik: "They would."

????: "Well how about baby, you take a seat on the lounge, and I'll bring over a plate with lunch on it ok? And then afterwards I want to go and meet them, I want to spend as much time with you as possible."

Vik: "No but..."

????: "If anything happens, I'm taking you back here. We can get your equipment later on so you can still record. It can get loud but we can try and stay quiet for you love."

Vik: "You know, have I ever told you how much I love you."

????: "I'm sure you have but it never hurts to hear it again."

Vik: "Well then I love you. And I wish I wasn't so scared."

????: "It will be fine baby. I promise."

Time Skip

After lunch had been eaten and our plates licked clean. Every single second while we were driving I wanted to look over at Lachlan and just take the damn L. Taking him back home and saying fuck it I'll leave the SideMen I don't care. Though as we pulled into the driveway, I was filled with fear. I felt him put his hand over mine and I felt the nerves start to go away.

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