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'Finally a day at a proper school!' thought Hope as she stared at the school before her and her friends. Hope has a burnt blonde braid. She is right now wearing the school's uniform which is a gray collared short sleeved shirt with blue miniskirt and her shoes are black with dirty yellow socks that looked like they have been burnt.

Her friend Mary, Xy's sister, said while making sure that Frederick didn't fall over "This school looks much more different from our old one." Mary had her long in the back and short on the sides. Her white hair had a black streaks on the tips of her hair. Her uniform was the exact same as Hope's, but she has extremely dark pink socks that looked black.

Marionette looked up at the school and said "I agree with you Mary it does look ugly." Marionette had short black hair. He had the gray collar shirt with blue pants and the black shoes. He had black-ish yellow-ish gloves with black socks.

Frederick looked at Mary and said "I hope we don't get bullied just like at that other school." Frederick had burnt short brown hair. He had the exact same uniform as Marionette, but the only problem with him is that he has only 1 and a half legs. 1 of them he still has while the other was cut off by his father. And he also has burnt brown socks.

Xy was quiet, but he also looked at the school with disgust. Xy has burnt long red hair that was pulled into a low pony tail. He has the exact same uniform as the other guys, but he has his shirt unbuttoned to show his black shirt. He was wearing a burnt looking red jacket to cover up his right arm. His right arm was half way burnt off by a fire in which Mary had lost her right eye in. He had red burnt socks.

Bart looked at everyone and said "How long do we have to be here?" Bart had short burnt looking brown hair. He had exact same appearance as Frederick, but darker hair and different personality. His socks were burnt looking blue. And he has both of his legs.

Mary said looking at Bart "We'll be going to this school until college."

Bart nodded and followed the others into the ugly school. The principle walked to them and greeted them, showed them around the school, and showed them their schedules.

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