No More~Jay Park Angst

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You sighed as you entered your apartment. You shrugged off your coat and hung it up on the coat rack by the door. You had a long day at work, your boss giving you extra files just before you were about to leave, your co-workers being rude to you, and Jay your boyfriend of two years ignoring your text messages. All you wanted to do now was curl up in your bed and sleep. Lately Jay has been ignoring your texts and calls choosing to spend more days at work. While he spent his nights out at the club with his friends who were also his co-workers. You knew that Jay had a lot of work to do, you understood that with him being the co owner of his company, you understood that he has a lot of work. But you also wished that he would at least send you one message. It didn't have to be long, even a message telling you that he was busy. You would've been fine with anything at this point.

You walked into the kitchen and started to make some coffee, to try and help with tiredness. You hummed along to a song, which you forgot the name of, as you were waiting for the coffee to be ready. When it was finally ready you poured yourself a cup and headed to the living room. You wanted to try an be awake for when Jay came home tonight. If he came home tonight that is. You sat down on the couch and started to go through the channels on the television, hoping to find something to watch. After a couple minutes of searching you finally settled on a Disney movie that was playing. You took a sip of your coffee before setting it on the table. You grabbed your blanket off the back of the couch and snuggled into it. You had a feeling tonight would be a long night.

Couple hours later:
You awoke to the sound of your phone going off. You groaned and reached out towards the coffee table blindly. As you were reaching out for your phone, you stretched to far causing you to fall off the couch. You rubbed your head and groaned out in pain. The phone started to go off for a second time. You sat up and grabbed your phone. You accepted the call without bothering to look at the caller ID.
"What?" You snapped as you slowly got up off of the floor. You stood up and wandered into the kitchen to get some Advil for the pain in your head.
"Y/N? Jay is absolutely wasted off his ass. Can you please come and take him home?" It was Kiseok.
You sighed as you rubbed your temples. "Same place where you guys always go?" You asked Kiseok as you grabbed your coat and keys, slipping your shoes on.
"Yeah, where else would we be?" He chuckled.
"Alright, I'll be there in ten." You answered as you headed out the door.
"Okay see you soon, y/n" he said as you hung up the phone.

You climbed into your car and headed towards the club that they guys usually hung out at. This scenario usually happened to you every time Jay would go out and drink. Someone would call you at whatever time in the night or early morning asking you to come pick Jay up. You pulled into the parking lot of the club and got out. As you entered the club, you immediately spotted Kiseok and the others, but no Jay. You furrowed your brow in confusion. Usually when you get here he's passed out in one of the booths. You started heading towards Kiseok and the others direction. Kiseok spotted you and walked over.
"Where's Jay?" You asked him as you looked around the club, seeing if you could get a glimpse of your boyfriend.
"He said something about going to do his business in the washroom, so he should be right back." He told you as you spotted Jay walking out of the hallway that lead to the washrooms. Only he didn't come out alone.

There was a girl wrapped around his arm, giggling and smiling at him.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know what 'business' he meant." You sneered. Kiseok looked in the direction you were glaring so intensely at. His eyes widened as he saw what you did. Kiseok chuckled nervously.
"I-I'm sure he didn't do what your thinking he did. Y/N he loves you."

You rolled your eyes as you walked over to Jay and the girl that was hanging off of him. As you were walking towards them, you suddenly halted your steps. A part of you really wanted to believe what Kiseok had told you, but the proof that what Kiseok told you wasn't true was right in front of you. Just a few steps away.

Jay and this girl were locking lips right in front of you. You couldn't do anything but stare at them in disbelief. Jay was cheating on you, right in front of your eyes! You jumped as you felt a hand on your shoulder, snapping you out of the daze you were in. You looked over and saw Kiseok standing beside you with a look of disbelief on him as well.
"Y-Y/N I didn't know he would-"
"Save it, nobody could've known he would." You said as tears were welling up in your eyes. You wanted to be anywhere but here. So many things were running through your mind. Things like
"Was this the first time he has done something like this? Or has he done this before? If so, how long has he been doing this behind my back?" You couldn't stop thinking.

You stood there in silence for a couple minutes just thinking. As you looked up from the floor you seen Jay dancing and grinding on the girl as if he didn't have a care in the world. You took a deep breath before you headed towards Jay. Once you were behind him, you tapped on his shoulder. As he turned around, you slapped him across the face.
"Ow! What the hell? Who the hell did-" Jay's eyes widened as he realized that it was you. "Y-Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asked as he held his now reddening cheek.
You scoffed. "Is this what you do when you're here? Sleep with other girls, then when you wake up in the morning just blame it on the alcohol so you don't feel guilty?" You yelled.

Jay looked confused for a second before he looked over at the girl standing beside him, who was looking bored. He shook his head quickly.
"No! I swear I don't hook up with any g-girls while I'm here." He stuttered. You crossed your arms. You could always tell when Jay was lying. He would look anywhere but your eyes, and he would stutter. He was currently doing both of those things. Your heart dropped knowing that Jay was lying to you about cheating on you. You could feel your throats getting choked up.

Why would he do this to you? Why would he go out and hook up with these random girls at the club while you were home thinking about him? It didn't make sense to you. You blinked rapidly to try and stop the tears from falling. "You're lying." You told him as you looked at his face. He seemed scared. Scared of what? Loosing you? You shook your head, "If he was scared of losing me, why'd he cheat on me?" You thought. Jay tried to reach out for you but you took a step back and shook your head "Don't touch me." You quickly turned around wanting desperately to get out of there. You pushed and shoved your way through not caring about the people giving you dirty looks, and ignoring the shouts of your name. You felt like you were being torn apart from the inside.

You were almost out the door when you felt a hand grab your wrist. "Please y/n, don't leave like this. Let's talk this through. I-I can't lose you." Jay told you as he tightened his grip on your wrist, afraid that you'll slip away. You turned your head to look at him. You searched his face, remembering every detail, because you knew this would be the last time you saw him. With that thought in your mind a whole new wave of tears made it to your eyes. A few of those tears fell down your face. You tugged your wrist free. "T-There's nothing to talk about Jay. You cheated end of story." You whispered.
"Please, please y/n I love you so much. Let's work through this." He begged you. You could see tears starting to form in his eyes with the realization that he was losing you. He tried to grab for your hand again but you moved back.
"Look Jay, I-I can't be here right now. I need to go." You murmured. You took one final look at the man you love before you turned and headed out the door.

You rushed to your car. All you wanted to do was go home. You quickly got into your car and drove off. You drove quicker than you should've just so you could get home faster. As soon as you got out of the car and rushed inside. You shut the door tightly locking it. You rested your forehead against the door and breathed out. You closed your eyes and slid down the door. That's when everything actually hit you.

Jay cheated on you. Your relationship with Jay was over. No more late night dates after he was done work. No more of you visiting him at work and bugging him. No more late night talks in bed. No more cuddles, hugs, kisses. No more Jay. You brought your knees up to your chest and sobbed.

No more Jay.

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