The best French class in the history

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Hyori’s POV

                “Uh…have you just been running in the gym or something?” I asked, “Why are you so…red?”

                “Long story,” she sighed, “Gin was being an idiot.”

                “Tell me something I don’t know,” I grinned.

                We sat down in our seats and took out our textbook: The basics of Chinese: the extended edition.

                “What did Gin do?” I asked out of pure curiosity.

                “You know how I said that I didn’t care about hugs or hand holding?” she questioned.

                I nodded.

                “I do,” she confessed and buried her head into her arms.

                “It’s okay Bom,” I said, patting her shoulder, “now that you know what to do, all you have to do…is well, do it.”

                “But the truth is…I’m so embarrassed!” Bom’s head popped up then down.


                “Exactly!” Bom shouted, “and guess what Gin told me I should do when I asked his opinion.”

                “Wait a second,” I stopped her, “you asked Gin for advice? Wow…you must be desperate.”

                “He told me to…” her head rose up from her arms and she was even redder than before.

                “Come on, spill it out,” I smiled, “I’m sure it’s not that bad…I mean he didn’t tell you to do…that right?”

                “What do you mean?” Bom sounded quizzical.

                “Never mind,” I laughed nervously. Bom had a way too innocent mind to even think about that. And Gin, who definitely had the messed up mind to think so, wouldn’t have told Bom for the girl’s mental health.

                “He told me…to kiss him!” Bom cried.

                “Oh,” I grinned, “that’s not so bad. I mean you did it before right?”

                “Yeah, but that was like a total accident!” she fussed, “that time, he just woke up! He was terribly sick. His mind wasn’t clear! Besides, that time it was him that kissed me! Not the other way around!”

                “Okay, first of all, Jung-woo probably knew he was kissing you, seeing that he remembered,” I countered, “ALSO, if Jung-woo had the guts to kiss you, then you surely do!”

                “You’re right,” Bom calmed down, “Thanks Hyori!”

                She got up from her seat.

                “Where are you going?” I asked, quite surprised, “class starts in five minutes!”

                “French!” she shouted and raced out of the classroom.

                ‘French?’ I thought, utterly confused. Then it hit me.

                “Oh crap. She is not going to…?”

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