the fresh new beginning

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“I don’t know any musical instruments though,” Bom whined.

                Tomorrow had come too quickly and Bom seemed to be regretting agreeing to play in a band.

                “Come on,” I smirked, secretly laughing inside, “you said your dad owns a electric guitar. Don’t you know how to play it?”

                “Yeah,” she frowned, “but I’m not good at it.”

                “Well, that’s what club’s are for,” I said as dragged her towards the music room upstairs, “follow me quickly, you’re going to make me late for my own meeting.”

                “I can found my way from here,” she shook me off at the end of the stairs, “thanks. Have fun in tennis club.”

                “You too?” I waved and ran down the stairs.

Bom’s POV

                “Hello?” I asked timidly as I opened the door to the music room. The lights were turned off and no one was inside. The meeting was supposed to be at exactly one o’clock and my watch read that everyone else was late.

                I stepped inside the room and turned on the lights to have a look around. I wasn’t in band but instead art so I never have been in the music room before. It was basically a gigantic room with chairs and stands and that were stacked on the side. There was a stage and a white board behind it for the teacher to right down notes for the students.

                In the middle of the room were four chairs and a white table that had a note written, ‘welcome,’ in messy printing. Behind the chairs was a drum set, a mike, sets of different guitar, and a piano. I wondered if it was the instruments we were suppose to be playing.

                I examined the instruments and held up the electric guitar. It was well tuned.

                “You!” a voice cried from behind me and I flipped, startled.

                There was a boy, not Gin, standing a foot away from the door, staring at me with startled eyes. He had tousled black hair and round glasses. He was relatively tall, but just only a couple centimeters taller than me. His light brown eyes were gleaming with something such as; panic and fear.

                “Hi,” I greeted him friendly, “are you in this club too?”

                Instead of replying he turned around quickly and muttered a few incoherent words. He seemed to be also shaking nervously. After a few moments he steadily held his breath and shouted to me? Or himself, “I’m going to kill him!”

                Then, he stormed out of the room.

                I was pretty sure I had seen him before. He was always the boy that stood in the corner of the room. Away from everyone, except for his guy friends. I was sure he was in this club but I wondered what his problem was. He stormed out of the room saying he’s going to kill someone. My immediate guess went to the boy named Gin. He was famous for his way with pranks and jokes. He was one of the most popular boys in our whole grade.

                Shortly after another figure stood outside the room. It was a girl this time and I identified her immediately.

                “Yuri?” I asked, surprised, “what are you doing here?”

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