Gin: A genius from birth

Start from the beginning

                I ran to my next class, history. Thankfully Miss Hung; my history teacher was lenient about time. I rushed inside the classroom, lowering my head in embarrassment.

                “What took you so long?” Jung-woo murmured as he moved his bag he had on top of my desk.

                “Thanks for saving me a seat,” I muttered back.

                He nodded and I relaxed in my seat.

Gin’s POV

“WHERE WERE YOU?” I shouted, “I needed to ask you if we had any homework!”

“Gin…” she glared at me after collapsing into her seat, “it’s the second day back and you’re asking me about homework?!”

“Well…yeah,” I shrugged.

Bom muttered something underneath her breath, which I didn’t understand. I knew it wasn’t something very pleasant though.

“So where were you exactly?” I asked again as our math teacher left the classroom because he forgot his textbook in his office.

“I was talking to Hyori,” she answered.

“Ah,” I said and paused for a second, “what were you guys talking about?”

“I think that’s between me and Hyori,” Bom sighed.

“Is it about me?” I asked.

“Why are you so nosy?!” Bom shouted in frustration.

“I can’t help it,” I smiled, “I try to keep track of my girlfriends.”

Bom raised one of her eyebrows.

                “Girlfriend…as in a friend who is female,” I explained while laughing nervously.

                “Whatever,” Bom rolled her eyes, “Just try to refrain yourself from saying stupid things like that, especially when you’re with Hyori.”

                “What do you mean?” I inquired.

                “Never mind,” she huffed.

                “Tell me!” I whined.

                “You’re such a guy,” she growled.

                “Well…I’m not a girl…” I joked.

                “…What do you think of me and Jung-woo?” she asked randomly.

                I blinked and then I must have looked pretty confused because Bom laughed, despite her sour mood.

                “What?” she asked.

                “Well…you guys are my friends…and uh…I wouldn’t think otherwise… I mean…uh…” I continued muttering incoherent words until Bom stopped me with her hand.

                “No,” she said in frustration, “I mean…do Jung-woo and I look like a couple?”

                “What do you mean by a couple?” I asked, extremely confused, “I mean you guys are dating, so obviously you guys are a couple.”

                “But do we look like one?” she pressed on.

                “Does it matter?” I frowned, “who cares what other people think of you guys? You guys like each other, that’s all that matters.”

                She paused for a moment.

                “I guess…” she huffed, “I guess you’re right…”

                “Let me guess,” I pondered, “are you worried that you’re not showing enough affection to Jung-woo, since you’re his girlfriend now?”

                Bom shook her head violently, although she looked quite flustered.

                “And because of that you’re worried that the relationship won’t work and that you guys will eventually break up?”

                Bom gulped.

                “Spot on!” I patted myself on the head, “I’m a total genius!”

                “…says the idiot who can’t even do grade ten geometry…” Bom murmured but I decided to ignore her.

                “I don’t know…I mean Jung-woo is pretty stoked about being your boyfriend…but most of the time he’s too embarrassed to do anything around you!” I growled, “it gets really frustrating actually, watching him blush and stutter like that. He has be a man, like me!”

                Bom rolled her eyes.

                “I’m serious,” I shouted, “and if you aren’t happy with the way things are, then one of you is going to have to take action! And seeing that Jung-woo is out of the picture, for obvious reasons, you need to be the one to take it head on.”

                “Head on?” Bom inquired skeptically, although I knew I had caught her attention.

                “You know that I am the hottest, the coolest, and the most popular guy in the school right?”

                “Sure…” Bom snickered.

                “Then take my advice,” I put my hands on her shoulder, “show Jung-woo that you like him…a lot! No, how much you love him! You’re going to make this relationship work!”

                “What?” Bom blushed into a deep shade of red, “how am I supposed to do that?”

                “I don’t know…maybe you can just yell it out to him! I mean when was the last time the two of you spent alone time together?”

                Bom frowned, “the trip during summer break…”

                “That’s just sad,” I laughed, “okay…this is more serious than I thought. You’re going to have to do this exactly how I tell you to do.”

                Bom nodded and I moved in towards her and whispered my great advice into her ear.

                She jolted immediately, stood up and faced me with her face now an interesting color of crimson.

                “ARE YOU CRAZY? YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT?!” she shrieked.

                The entire class turned to Bom’s direction.

                “Bom!” our math teacher called out from the door, “if you’re going to yell, do it outside!”

                “Sorry sir,” she murmured and quickly dropped down into her seat.

                I tried my absolute best to not burst out into laughter. Bom seemed to be doing her absolute best on not beating the crap out of me.

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