Sabriel- In the arms of a hunter

Start from the beginning

Gabriel stayed silent for a while, and just as Sam assumed he wasn't going to speak, he did. "I don't die easy," was all he said. Sam let out a breathy chuckle. "Yea I've noticed," More awkward silence passed before Sam placed a hand on Gabriel's arm. "Look I..I'm sorry I pushed you. I won't force you to tell me anything. I'll wait until you're ready,"

But Gabriel wasn't ready. Not for another several weeks. Over this period of time, the archangel took to living in the bunker. The brothers had been slightly hesitant to let him stay, but seeing just how broken he was made Sam pity him. Dean had caved as well, deciding it was their best bet, and Cas had been so relieved, he'd pulled the brother's in for a hug and thanked them to the point Sam thought his voice would go raw.

Gabriel's time at the bunker had consisted mostly of recuperating, and gaining back the strength his grace had lost. He would speak, but not nearly has jubilantly as he had before. This had proven troublesome to the trio who kept watch over him. Nonetheless, Sam had kept on his promise and no one pushed Gabriel into talking about what had happened to him and where he had been all these years. But, as many things do, Gabriel's feelings soon became too much to handle.

It happened on a tuesday. Ironically, heat of the moment was playing softly on the radio in the background. Sam found himself grimacing at the awful memories that brought back. He stood and padded over to the radio, going to turn it off, when a voice halted him in his tracks. "I'm sorry," It spoke. Two simple words, only the surface of what was to come.

"What?" Sam turned, looking at Gabriel, who had spoken almost too softly for Sam to hear. "I said...I'm sorry. I ruined this song for you," He gave a dry chuckle. "Well a hell of a lot more than that. I traumatized you. Killed Dean so many times...Then made you think it was real for a while..." The archangel trailed off as his gaze lowered. "So...I'm sorry,"

He spoke with such sincerity Sam wasn't quite sure how to respond for a moment. "I...That was a long time ago Gabriel...It's okay," He spoke, coming back to sit beside him, deciding he could live with the song this once. "It's not important anymore," Sam finished, placing a gentle hand on Gabriel's shoulder.

To Sam's pleasant surprise, the trickster didn't flinch away from his touch. Sam took this as a sign he was improving. Slowly, almost hesitantly, he began to stroke. His fingers grazed the fabric of Gabriel's shirt and moved down to rub circles on the smaller man's back. Now, Sam didn't know if he was imagining things, but he could have sworn Gabriel leaned into his touch the tiniest bit. Then it happened. He opened up.

"I...I didn't fake my death. Not the second time. Lucifer really did kill me," Gabriel began, and sam listened closely. "But...The next thing I know...Dad's bringing me back. Saying stuff about how I got work to do...Things to take care of...But of course he doesn't tell me what things. What work. That then leads to him bringing me back. No one else knew...So I had a fresh start. I could find my purpose quietly, without being disturbed. That went on for a couple years up until I slipped. I thought I was careful but someone found me,"

Sam could almost swear he heard the blood rushing through his veins. The exhilaration of finally hearing the archangels story. "Those who found me were some of my brothers and sisters who follow Lucifer...Who believe him to be the best, mightier than father even. Eligor... Beleth... Morax... Solas...Orias...Forneus and Vepar. They...They were not happy with me. In the slightest. They were jealous that I got to live again...While most of Lucifer's angel possey had fallen. Them being some of the last ones,"

Gabriel sighed and hung his head. If someone had presented this man as Gabriel to Sam years ago, he would have shaken his head and dismissed them. This was not the guile, slightly haughty man Sam had known. It pained Sam to see him speak with such hurt, and melancholy. He almost had the impulse to swaddle him up and never let him go.

"Anyway...They decided to have fun with me. And let me tell you...Their definition of fun is fucked up," Gabriel continued, and Sam frowned, dreading the inevitable reply. "Torture," He whispered and Gabriel gave a small nod. "But not just any kind. They went all out. Extreme methods. whips soaked in holy fire, just plain burning me with the holy fire, of course the usual angel blade stabs, hurting my wings, and much more. But the worst...Was when they started poking and prodding at my grace...Which is why it's taken so long to even get a little bit patched up. Why it's going to take...Years to be as strong as it once was. Oh, then they'd heal me, and start everything all over again,"

Tears had gathered in Gabriel's eyes as he spoke. "This went on for years Sam. Until...Until I managed to escape. I had tried so many times, only to be brought back and punished even worse. But then...Then I...Well I didn't even know I could...But I-I just...I used a spell. I'd tried this spell before... But it had little affect. So this time...I combined all the blood spells in enochian I knew to harm angels to make one...I made a spell. A powerful one. It...It killed them all within seconds, and anihalated everything in a hundred mile radius. Which is why it was a good thing we were in heaven...Then I used the rest of my power to bring me down to earth and somehow...I ended up here,"

As his story finished, Sam stared, a mixture of shock and horror on his face. What Gabriel had to endure he could only imagine. And he really didn't want to imagine. "I'm...I'm so sorry...God I-I'm so sorry," Was all the younger hunter could utter out, but it seemed to be enough for Gabriel. Sam didn't waste another moment and pulled the archangel into a tight embrace. "I'm so sorry that had to happen to you I...Jesus...Gabriel you didn't deserve that. I-I only wish we could have helped you sooner," He whispered.

Gabriel sunk into Sam's hold and took a shaky breath, hands wrapping around his friends waist. "Well you're helping now. And that's...More than enough for you to do for me," He spoke and listened to the fast palpitation of Sam's heart. The two remained in that position for what seemed like an eternity. Gabriel basking in the warmth and caring nature of another being. Something he had missed feeling. "Thank you Sam. For taking care of me these past several weeks. You Dean and Cassie. You've all welcomed me and made me Almost like I belong somewhere,"

Before Sam knew what was coming from his mouth, he blurted, "Maybe we're your purpose. Maybe that's what God wanted to let you know. That...We need you here. And that you could help us," As soon as the words left his lips Sam felt his face heat up in embarrassment. Gabriel's head shifted and looked up at him. "Aw Samwich. You're such a romantic," He teased softly. Sam felt a grin spreading across his face. Gabriel had teased him. In a sudden burst of emotion he pressed his lips to the others. This seemed to have caught them both off guard, but eventually both parties melted into the kiss, and in that moment they both understood that with time...Gabriel the Archangel would be alright.

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