Dwelling in the Past

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Roc: What was that all about?

Shay: (shrugs) Who knows. Maybe all this touring got to him

Roc: Yea he does have a lot of stress on him

Shay: See? Well moving along. What’s for dinner?

(Meesha + Ray)

Ray: Who have you been texting all this time?

Meesha: (Texting)


Meesha: Oh! So sorry honey. You were saying?

Ray: (nods to phone) Interesting convo huh?

Meesha: Oh yea (giggles) Jackie and I were just talking about the movie

Ray: It was HIM you were texting during the whole movie?

Meesha: Yup! Crazy right? He’s like the brother/best friend I’ve always dreamed of

Ray: Brother?

Meesha: Yea! He’s the greatest Ray I wish my mom had a son just like him

Ray: So you think of him as a brother?

Meesha: Yea why not? You think of him as a brother too right?

Ray: Yea I guess I do

Meesha: Well he’s kind of like a brother in law to me now

Ray: (smiles) Is that so? And why do you think that?

Meesha: Well because my future husband is (holds his hand) right here

Ray: (kisses her hand) I’m glad you think that babe. So are you ready to go back home, I’m starving

Meesha: Yea. Um Ray?

Ray: Yea baby girl

Meesha: I’ve been thinking a lot lately and maye I should go home

Ray: Wait what?! Why? Aren’t you happy with me? With us?

Meesha: I am and being able to see you every day and wake up to you in the morning is a dream come true but I haven’t talked to my mom or dad in days and we both know daddy is sick.

Ray: (sighs) I guess but maybe you don’t have to leave? Maybe just visit? And then come home… to me?

Meesha: Okay I’ll come back home to you baby.

Ray: As long as you don’t leave me Meesh. Let’s go home babe

(Shay POV)

When he walked through that door I stared at him like I had it out for him. I don’t know why I dislike him so much and from what my sister told me about him he’s the enemy, he’s the reason everything was messed up because he planted little lies in Prodigy’s head but you see I hate him for a completely different reason…

Ray: Hey everybody! (Walking in) What’s going on- (glares at Shay) what she doing here?

Roc: Oh this is my date Sh-

Ray: I know who she is! What I want to know is why she is here!?

Prince: Whoa bro you alright? You look steamed

Ray: Leave Ja’Shayla! NOW!

Shay: NO! Ray I will NOT be forced out again!

Prince: Again?

Ray: Leave or I’ll call the police!

Meesha: Now Ray that is not necessary leave the girl alone

Roc: Hold on how the hell do you two know each other

Shay: Go ahead Ray explain!

Ray: Shut up and go!

Shay: (looking at Roc) Ray and I use to date and when we was through using me up he dumped me and pushed me out his house literally into the street. Want to know more because it gets better!

Ray: Don’t you dare Shay!

Shay: (tearing up) Want to know why I look so familiar to all of you?

Ray: Don’t do it Shay!

Shay: It’s because I’m the sister of your favorite nut job. My sister is-

Ray: (covers her mouth and pulls her away) Are you nuts!?

Shay: They don’t even know the full story do they? I wouldn’t put it pass you not to tell them I mean you hid me for a long time when we were together. It kills me inside Ray that you can show this girl that you barely know off to your friends but you kept me a secret and not even Prodigy knew about me. (cries) Why were you ashamed of me Ray? Was it because I was too young for you or was it because of my sister? You told me even though you didn’t like her you would still love me but then you threw me out and walked out my life. I still love you Ray I always have and I always will. Why can’t you just love me back?

Ray: Shay… I’ll call you taxi now but you need to leave this house and never come back

Shay: (Shakes her head) I’m sorry but you can’t do that. What about Roc huh? What is he going to say when I stop calling him? He’s going to blame you! Do you really want your friend to hate you Ray?

Ray: (sigh) Look I don’t care what you do okay just stay away from me and my girl

Shay: Same old Ray. I just hope she doesn’t get her hopes up too high. Goodbye Ray.

(Three Days later)

(Roc POV)

Its been days since the dinner date and Shay hasn't even called me back. I mean I know that her and Ray got into it but still I was hoping I could somehow make it up to her. I can’t stop thinking about her and to be honest I can’t help but blame Ray for this! I he hadn’t lash out on her like that she would be with me right now. I can’t even concentrate on shopping because she’s been on my mind. Wait a minute… Are my eyes playing with me or is that her?

Roc: SHAY! (Waving arms)

Princeton: Quit it fool you look like you're trying to land a plane

Roc: Whatever man. SHAYLA!!!

Shay: (turns around) ROC! Hey boo

Roc: Hey babe. I haven't heard from you in days where you been?

Shay: Oh you know just busy with family stuff.

Roc: Look I’m so sorry about how our last date ended

Shay: It’s fine really it is

Roc: Can I make it up to you?

?? Hey sweetie

Shay: Hey you got my shake?

?? Right here!

Roc: (clenches Jaw) Who’s this?

Shay: (looks at Roc and smiles) This is my cousin Todrick. Tod this is Mr Royal himself

Todrick: Ohh honey you right he is foine!!!

Shay: Scratch that my gay cousin Todrick (laughs)

Roc: (sigh) Oh! Sorry…

Shay: (giggles) Its alright. You’re the jealous type aren’t you?

Roc: Yea just a little bit. I’ve had some bad relationships so you know I tend to get a bit jealous

Shay: Well I know how you feel. I’ve been there done that

Roc: So… You and Ray…

Shay: Don’t worry about him we were over I was just dwelling in the past but with the right guy I can move on

Roc: Can I be that guy by any chance?

Shay: As long as you don’t break my heart…

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