Please Ms. Gamble

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Me: Okay Cal what should we sing together?

Cali: To be honest I’m still not sure that this is a good idea

Me: Come on Cali do it for me… do it for prodigy. I know you like him and I can tell he likes you too

Cali: I didn’t say I liked him

Me: But you told him you could sing and I bet you sang for him too didn’t you

Cali: Well yes bu-

Me: Exactly! I know you Cali and you don’t do that with everyone. You like him

Cali: Okay so what if I like him I’m still not sure

(Keisha outside the booth: Girls we hear you loud and clear so whenever you’re ready)

Cali: (whispering) You think Prod heard me say that?

Me: Cali we have other things to worry about now. How about we sing yesterday by Mary Mary like how we did it on youth Sunday

Cali: I can do that…

(After the audition)

Jacob: So Keisha what do you think?


Cali: Look Ms. Keisha before you make your decision just know that Meesha is the best there is and if you choose her it will be the best choice you ever make. You can work with her so she could improve but-

Keisha: I don’t want Meesha…

Cali: Please Ms. Keisha jus-

Keisha: I don’t want Meesha… I want the both of you. Cali you might not see it but you are a very talented young lady and Meesha your voice is truly amazing. I would honored to manage you two

Cali: Seriously?

Me: Ms. Gamble this means everything to us! See Cali I told you girl you do have it!

Prod: Wow you two are amazing together and Cali, you gave me chills when you sang. You’re really good

Cali: (blushing) Thanks prodigy

Prince: I think your voice are as beautiful as you are

Cali: Aww Princeton that’s so sweet

Prod: (mumbles) As* kisser

Princeton: Mad much Prod?

Roc: Any way (rolling eyes) Cali Meesha you two were awesome and I cant wait to do songs with you two

Meesha: Ohh that would be awesome! Doing a song with you guys!

Roc: Yea I know I’m a genius 

Meesha: Yea yea Roc don’t let the ONE and ONLY smart idea you’ve had get to your head

Roc: Oh so you got jokes huh shawty

Meesha: (Flirting) I know you’re not calling me short

Roc: What if I am?

Meesha: (Playfully pushes Roc) We can settle this outside big booty

Roc: Oh you just had to go there didn’t you?

Ray: Um Roc don’t you hear your phone ringing in the other room?

Roc: Nah man I think you’re bugging out

Ray: (annoyed) Nooo I think you need to check!

Roc: Fine what’s with the attitude?

Ray: (Mumbles) My attitude leaves when you do…

Keisha: Okay girls so in two days I want you two to come back here so we can settle your contract and we need an adult representative for both of you parent or guardian okay?

Girls: Got it!

Meesha: (whispering to Cali) Um Cali my parents don’t even know about this!

Cali: I got you don’t worry

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