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(Meesha POV)

???: (Walking in) I can help you if you let me

Meesha: Who are you?

??? Names aren’t impiratant just let me help you out of here

Meesha: How would you do that?

??? I can sneak you out just as easy as you came in

Meesha: Fine! Well point me to the exit!!

??? Shh just hush and let me lead please?

Meesha: Wait. Shay! You came for me?!

Shay: Listen I felt bad, for everything!

Meesha: Everything like what?

Shay: The whole Ray situation you know. He is your man now and I got in the way

Meesha: Honestly Shay, he’s yours. I think I may need this time to figure myself out before I can even think about a relationship

Shay: Does Ray know this?

Meesha: No but he will. That is if I even get out of here alive

Robin: He’s here Shay we have to move and do it fast

Meesha: Robin!

Robin: (runs and grabs Meesha) Oh god Meesh I swear we didn’t know!

Meesha: Really?

Robin: Oh heavens no! You are too sweet you didn’t do damn thing to me. I was hurt and made a call to Princeton to get you out of here. (Setting her free) You are the nicest person I’ve met in a long time.

Meesha: You think that too Shay?

Shay: (looks away) Listen we have to catch our ride so hurry up

Robin: (untying Meesha) She does she’s playing hard. This is our ticket out too you know Meesha! Me and Shay’s ticket out of this business

??? You think that don’t you?


??? After all I’ve done for you! You want out?

Shay: Listen sis it doesn’t have to be complicated!

??? Shut up! Sis my ass! As my sister you of all people should be loyal to me. And you’re siding with the best friend of my enemy?

Shay: What! Come on now what did Cali ever really do to you? Fall for the guy you took for granted? Loved a man which you couldn’t seem to do? Be faithful? I mean lets be real, he deserves to be happy and I’m all for his happiness and the happiness of his friends.

??? (pulls out gun)

Shay: Oh so you want to kill me now? This is how we play sis?

??? I will kill you and then dance all over your grave. Robin tie her back up!

Robin: I-I … (looks at Shay)

Shay: (nods)

Robin:             hell no! Tie her up your damn self… oh wait sorry no can do we’re busting her out of here… REBECCA!

Meesha: No! You can’t be serious!

Rebecca: (laughs manically) Surpriiiiiiise! (pulls gun up) So whose getting this bullet first ah… You! (pulls trigger)


Hello hello hellooooo people! I know i have been gone for a looooong time but there will be gaps in between when i post hope you like this litte snip i typed up today!! Both stories will be wrapping up soon but how soon you will not know yet... a good number of long lengthy chapters will come out of each but tooodalooo until next chapter <3

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