The Boss

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(Shay POV)

I didn’t tell our boss about what Robin did. I really didn’t want anything to happen to her and I know for a fact that if or boss found out she would have her girls beat her up for sure! My job is pretty harsh to be honest I don’t even want to think about it too tough. We’re using those two poor boys just to fulfill some messed up plan made by our boss. I don’t want to do it but I have to. I mean Robin is here for another reason and to be honest if she wanted to leave she could and hell I would even help her especially since she’s the only friend I have and I know she would do the same for me… well that is if I could get out. See I have this binding contract if you will and I couldn’t get out of it even if I wanted to. I’m tied to this business man I do all the dirty work for my boss… only because shes my sister…

Shay: Aye yo Robin where you at!

Robin: I’m coming girl

Shay: Hurry up I’m not trying to be late

Robin: Well… what do you think (turns around)

Shay: Wow… I think I should go change now cause I look bad

Robin: I know yo sexy behind didn’t say that. With your fishnets short shorts and vintage err thang!

Shay: Wanna be ghetto fool! Haha

Robin: But I made you made laugh so I did my job

Shay: Yea yea whatever. Speaking of job we gotta check in with the boss before we go. And DO NOT say anything this time just let me do all the talking okay.

Robin: But what if her girls start taunting me again? I’m supposed to just let that go! They needa learn

Shay: And YOU need to learn when to shut up and stand down! (sigh) Sorry Robin but you want to see Princeton right

Robin: I-I guess… I mean am I supposed to want to see him? Am I allowed to want to see him

Shay: (laughs) Yes. Just for tonight

Rovin: GREAT! Cause I’m soooo excited (squeals)

Shay: (shakes her head) Now be quiet… U-um boss

??: Come in

Robin: Want us to turn the light on?

?? What kind of dumb question is that? If its off leave it off

Shay: (hits Robin’s side) I told you to be quiet

Robin: (mouths) Sorry

?? So what you idiots want

Shay: Were ready for our mission

?? Good! The car is outside ready to drop yall of. And for your hard work this week you two get the next two days off too

Shay: Wow thanks boss that’s so kind of you

Robin: Yea thanks Re-

Shay: (nudges Robin’s side)

Robin: I-I mean boss

?? Mm hmm now get out before I change my mind

(Roc POV)


Princeton: Aright man fine. I’m ready now

Roc: About time!

Princeton: Dude shut up cause we aren’t even late.

Roc: Yes we are! Look at the time I swear you have no brain that hair takes up the brain’s space

Princeton: Roc! Relax I can tell you’re buggin out cause you’re cranky

Roc: I am not!

Princeton: You really are! Take a breather

Roc: Fine (thinking) Dang man Prince knows me too damn well if you ask me! I really am nervous about this date. And I think I’m starting to calm down thanks to this poofy headed nerd I call my best friend he’s the only one who gets me here. Don’t get me wrong Prod and Ray are my Best friends too but I think I’m a bit closer to Princeton. Just like Prod and Ray have this friendship soo tight that nothing and no one can break it. Not even a girl! And we should know because when Rebecca was in Prod’s life Ray couldn’t stand her and Prod choose Ray over her… At least I think that’s how the story went. I’m not really sure about what happened to her after that fight they had but that’s the story they told me and Prince…

Prince: Okay we’re here

Roc: Ready for this?

Prince: As ready as we’ll ever be

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