Home Sweet New Home

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Princeton: It’s nice to have you home guys

Cali: I’ts nice to be home. Well our new home right Meesh

Meesha: Mm Hmm

Cali: You haven’t said much since we left. Are you okay?

Meesha: Mm (sniffles) Yeaa I-I (Cries)

Ray: Awe babe noo don’t cry

Meesha: (Cry) Guys you have no idea how grateful I am to have each and every one of you

Everyone: Awe…

Meesha: Especially you Cal… If anything was to happen to you I couldn’t even live

Cali: Really Meesh?

Meesha: Yes! Of course! You are the only friend that I can depend on

Cali: Ohh (tears up) Meesh you know I hate it when you cry (hugs her)

Prod: Oh kay! We need to separate you two for tonight (laughs) Baby you’re coming with me

Ray: And you beautiful are going to bed

Meesha: But I- (yawns) I’m not tired

Ray: Baby the doctor says you need rest soo off to bed

Meesha: On one condition

Ray: You’re going to bed regardless but let’s hear the condition

Meesha: You stay with me tonight

(Cali POV)

I watched him unpack my stuff into drawers. He explained where everything is and told me where Meesha’s room was just in case I wanted to find her. This house is huge and the girls have one half the guys have another which means my prod will be on the other half of the house which kind of saddens me. Just look at him awe he’s cute when he’s focused. I can’t believe it’s only been like a month since we’ve met and already we’re in love. I guess that’s just how this love game works. Find em Love em Keep em.

Cali: Take a break Baby just sit with me for a little

Prod: I cant yet I have one more bag

Cali: Which I can do myself

Prod: Nope! I got it besides I want to check all these bags and make sure there is nothing to hurt you in it

Cali: Oh yes (digs in bag) because this curling iron is out to kill me ohhhhhhhhhhh

Prod: (laughs) Sorry babe I guess I’m just a little paranoid

Cali: Prody sweetie… Paranoid in an understatement (giggles)

Prod: (sighs)

Cali: I-I’m just messing with you prod

Prod: I know its not that it’s just… I have something I need to tell you

Cali: Is it going to make me sad

Prod: Yes

Cali: (shakes her head) Then don’t tell me j-just enjoy this alone time together

(Princeton POV)

I am so excited for this date man! I convinced Roc into letting us have a double date tomorrow. I’m feeling this girl Robin we’ve been talking nonstop since last night so I think I could see myself going somewhere with her (Phone rings) That’s her now

Robin: Hey there friend

Prince: Hey Robin what’s up

Robin: Nothing much just thinking about our date tomorrow

Prince: Yea me too. You excited?

Robin: Am I ever! I can’t wait! You know I really don’t know what I’m wearing

Prince: Don’t worry I’m 100 percent sure that whatever you wear you’ll look beautiful

Robin: Isn’t that sweet. What if I wear a garbage bag though?

Prince: Like I said you’ll look beautiful

Robin: Well aren’t you prince charming

Prince: Anything for a princess

Robin: (giggles) Stooop

(In the background): Robin! Get off the phone now!

Robin: Oops that’s my queue gotta go Princeton but see you tomorrow

Prince: Yea see ya. Rest that pretty little head of yours

Robin: The adorable lines never stop with you do they (background) ROBIIIINNNN!!!!!

Prince: Awe man! Go now before you get in trouble

Robin: Kay bye (call ends)

(Robin POV)

Shay: The hell were you? I was calling you forever

Robin: Nothing just going over the files

Shay: Lies! Give me your phone!

Robin: For what?

Shay: Do it now or you’ll have to deal with the boss

Robin: Fine (Hands it in)

Shay: Robin! You called him!? What did I tell you about that! You know SHE doesn’t like it when we make calls or plans with them without her knowing

Robin: She isn’t our mother Shay! Who is she to tell us what to do

Shay: SHE is the one that can kill us both if we’re not careful!

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