Preach Preacher

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Preacher: This is the word of the lord now let the church say amen!

Congregation: Amen

Preacher: I said let the church say AMEN

Congregation: AMEN!

Preacher: Let us pray out 

(Church is over)

Me: Mom when are we going to leave?

Meesha’s Mom: When your dad is done greeting everyone

Me: Cant we just meet him at home

MM: No Meesh you know your dad doesn’t like it when we leave him

Me: Okayyyy mom but-

MM: But nothing Mesha now sit and wait

Me: Yes mother. ( Cali walks over) Hey girl

Cali: Heyy sis!! Man your daddy preached today!! 

Me: He really did! Im proud of him buut if he doesn’t hurry up I’m gunna miss Mindless Behavior on ustream !!

Cali: Ohh yea! I almost forgot! Cant wait to see my hubby Prince on ustream ohhh if I see him in person ima-

Me: Ohh gross Cali!! (Laughing) And you just got out of church!! 

Cali: Whatever besides the bible says he who findeth a wife findeth a good thing… which in this case is me

Me: You’re a mess girl 

Cali: Buuuuuuut you love me don’t you bestie!

Me: This is true lol

Cali:Ohh yea can I spend the night? My mom said its okay

Me: Got to ask her (points to mom)

Cali: You know your mom scares me after she’s crossed with you

Me: Naw she’s over it now besides we were just talking about going home without dad

Cali: You should have known the answer to that

Me: I know “the first lady of the house and the daughter has to be there for the Shepard of the house” I know the drill (rolls eyes)

Cali: Okay well I’ll ask your mom

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