Growing Apart

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(Robin POV)

Its been 3 weeks since our date with the guys and Shay has just been sitting there looking depressed. It pains me to see her like this and I care too much about her to watch her stress over a guy that didn’t even deserve her. I love seeing her smile and looking at her face now breaks my heart…

(Shay POV)

That should hold him for a little while. It’s a good thing I accepted being his girl when I did because the plan would be all messed up. I still love Ray and I wish that he would love me again. I will never quit loving him either and to be honest I don’t want any other man if it’s not him. However his girl is decent and she stuck up for me for a second that night and, with all the snooping my boss did on her I felt like Meesha and I could actually be great friends and that’s the only reason I wouldn’t even dream of breaking them up. Now if only my sister were the same way…

?? Shay… SHAY!!!!

Shay: Yes (turns around) Oh hey Rob

Robin: You been like this for weeks

Shay: Like what?

Robin: Quiet and secluded. Its not like you at all

Shay: Just have a lot on my mind

Robin: Like Ray?

Shay: (sighs) I guess…

Robin: Why didn’t you tell me about him though? You could have at least hinted me so I didn’t go in blind like I did.

Shay: Sorry Robby but it didn’t occur to me to let anyone know about me and him I thought my feelings for him left but I guess not.

Robin: Have you been talking to Roc at all?

Shay: Well yea but just for the sake of the mission nothing more nothing less

Robin: I think that you should try and fill that void in your heart with Roc. True he is no Ray Ray but he is crazy about you I can tell… Just give him a chance I’m sure he will be 10 times better than Ray

Shay: Thanks Robin but It’s just business remember? Besides Roc Royal will never be the man Ray was

Robin: (nods) I understand. Just remember this one thing. You’re doing to Roc what Ray did to you. Mission or no mission Roc is human just like you are he deserves love too. You can’t keep playing with his emotions like that because then he’ll just be another bitter soul just like you…

Shay: Fine! Is that all? (thinking) I hate it when she’s right ugh! This girl is way too smart…

Robin: N-no… I’m not done…

(Robin POV)

What I did next shocked even me

(Jacob POV)

I’m making my move! I have to tell her how I feel so she knows the truth

Ray: Hey man!

Jacob: Whats up bro?

Ray: Nothing much bruh. Man look at those two! They’re amazing when they get together aren’t they?

Jacob: Yup! Meesh and Cali harmonize so well together. (Speaks in mic) Okay girls take a 10 minute break and then we’ll start on the last two songs

Cali: Got it Jakie.

Meesha: Alright boss… Heyy babe! You’re here!

Ray: Yea I just got in… I got an hour break from Keisha so I came over here

Meesha: Awe well I’m glad you found the time to fit me in your schedule

Ray: Always for you ba- (phones rings) Hold on beautiful… (in the distance) Yea hello

Meesha: He works so hard. Its like I see him a lot less now

Jacob: I know but hey that’s the life of a superstar

Meesha: I guess but, its just- You know

Jacob: Its just what?

Meesha: Well- Y-you are always here you know, I see you every day and sometimes I even wake up to you (giggles) You’re a superstar too but you still... find time for me

Jacob: Well he’s still learning how to manage his time you know. He made an effort to see you today didn’t he?

Meesha: Yea but he’s spent the majority of this visit on the phone. (points to Ray) And he’s still going see

Jacob: I know Meesh but give him some time to get it together

Ray: (walks back in) Hey baby girl (looks at watch) Oh shoot! I gotta go. See you back at home later?

Meesha: Yea… of course- See you home

Ray: Great! (kisses her head) Later bruh!

Jacob: Yea later man!

Meesha: -___- (Looks at Jacob) I dare you to tell me that “give him time” crap again (smiles)

Jacob: (Laughs) whatever punk just go enjoy your break and quit complaining

Meesha: I am enjoying my break… now (hugs Jacob)

Jacob: Awe! Look Meesh there’s something I really need to say to you

Meesha: Go head shoot

Jacob: From the moment I met you I knew you would be the one for me and you are everything I’ve ever dreamed of everything I’ve ever wanted in a girl. You are so perfect to me you do nothing wrong and you’re my other half and I just want you to be mine but I know the situation between you and Ray and-

Meesha: (Kisses Jacob)

Jacob: Whoa Meesha! I never knew-

Meesha: Helllooooooo!!!!!! Jacob!!!!!!!

Jacob: Huh?!

Meesha: I said shoot…

Jacob: Uh-uh um I just want to say that I uh- I’m very proud of you a-and Cali too. You guys have made so much progress in such a short period of time

Meesha: (Smiles) Its my job to make you proud Jakie I mean you did get us here after all

Jacob: Yea… I guess I did

(Robin POV)

Palms sweaty, body shaking, head spinning and only one shot at getting this right. I did something that I never ever thought I would. I looked her in the eyes stroke her cheek and held her face as I-

(Shay POV)


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