Got You That Audition

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Jacob: Good morning ladies. How did you sleep last night?

Cali: Great!

Me: (Mumbles) Not enough…

Cali: I heard that!

Jacob: (Laughs) You two are funny

Cali: (Moving up to where Jacob is sitting) So where are we off to today?

Jacob: Where ever you guys want to go. But you have until 3:30 because I was able to get Ms. Meesha here an audition

Me: Stop it!! Are you fricken kidding me right now!!

Jacob: Never would I kid about that

Cali: See I told you! Soo Jacob you said anywhere?

Jacob: Yup

Cali: Can we see where you guys rehearse and everything?

Me: Yes! I would love to see that!

Jacob: (Laughs) Its nothing special girls but okay

(15 min later arriving at the studio)

Jacob: Well this is where we rehearse when we’re in New York

Me: (Jaw drops) WOOW IT SO HUGE

Cali: I know right but um Meesh close your mouth before you catch flies

Me: Shut up Cali! Um so why are we just standing out here? Can we go in?

Jacob: Oh! Sorry lol lets go inside

Cali: Sheesh checkout this place. It’s even bigger than outside!

Jacob: Yea I guess it looks that way… Oh! Wait a minute girls I think you two would love to see this. But you just have to keep quiet because they are recording. (walks into a room with dim lighting)

Me: (whispering) My eyes have to readjust themselves

Cali: Mine don’t! I know exactly who they are

Me: Cali shh! 

Cali: Sorry… But look Meesh is your boo

Me: (Meesha finally seeing who they are) OMM its Ray!

Jacob: (Laughing) I knew you two would like this. So you like Ray huh Meesh?

Me: (sigh) Do I ever!

Producer: Okay boys that was good. (turns around) Oh hey Jacob! Wanna get in on this track?

Jacob: I’d love to but I’m not here for that. She (pointing at Meesha) is who I’m here for

Producer: What about her?

Jacob: Well how about you hear her sing then you can tell me what

(MB walks out just then)

Ray: What about a gir- Whoa… MEESHA!

Me: Haha small world right?

Ray: You telling me. What are you doing here?

Me: You’re about to find out.

Producer: Okay Meesha is it? Well show me what you got.

Me: Got it (takes a deep breath and sings “Listen” by Beyoncé halfway)

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