Never Going Back

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Ray: Sure 

Meesha: Can I stay with you guys? Like permanently?

Ray: Wait a minute Meesh are you sure you want that

Meesha: As sure as God is real I am

Ray: Wow well then yea. I mean I have to ask first bu-

Meesha: No just get me out of here Ray I need you right now!!

Ray: Okay okay Meesha when do you want me to get you

Meesha: NOW!

Ray: Fine I’ll call you when me and Jacob are outside

Meesha: Thanks Ray this means a lot to me (call ends)

Ray: Damn Meesha really wants out. And to be honest I would love for her to live with us I really care her. Hell I think I even love her and if this is what she wants then I’m all for it. JACOB! (knocking on the door) YOOO GET UP!! 

Jacob: (groggy) Ah man why do you want! 

Ray: We have to do something so get up get dressed and get your car keys

(Meesha’s POV)

Me: Okay so I have to pack what I can (starts pulling out random clothes) And I’ll need this and these. I might need two more suitcases. (pulls out her laptop case) I know I’ll need my laptop

?: I remember when I bought you that laptop

Me: Dad!…

PA: What the hell do you think you’re doing Meesha? Do you think that boy really cares about you?

Me: Yes more than you do.

PA: (Laughs) Wow you aren’t as smart as I thought. He only wants one thing from you. Once he has that he’ll be gone and you will come crawling back

Me: (zipping up the last bag) Well God forbid that does happen, here will be the last place I will ever go!

PA: So what you are just going to walk out on your family?

Me: Family? Mom is my family and I’ll always be there for her. As for you you’re dead to me

PA: (Walks over to her) Say that one more time


PA: (Pinning Meesha to the wall) Listen little girl I will take you out before you bring me any heartache

Me: (screaming) MOOOOOM!!!

PA: Yea now you want to scream for your mommy huh

MM: The hell you think you’re doing to her! Let her goo Daniel

PA: No! She’s gunna learn today!

MM: Let her go Daniel

PA: (turns around and slaps Tanya) 

MM: (Holding her face) DANIEL

PA: Baby I’m so sorry!

MM: NO! (Runs out)

Meesha: Y-you… (grabbing her bags) I can’t stay here.


Meesha: (Phones rings) Right on time. As for me coming back, I NEVER will…

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