i'm Scared

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Ray: (throwing Meesha’s bag on the bed) Okay so you’re sure this is what you want

Meesha: (giggles) I’m starting to think you don’t want me here

Ray: Noo noo I really do want you here (picking Meesha up and spins her around)

Meesha: (laughing) Ahhhh Ray put me down

Ray: (laughing) Meesha you make me soo happy do you know that?

Meesha: Awe you make me happy too

Prod: MEESHA!! (runs and hugs her) What are you doing here?

Meesha: Prod! I’m going to be living with you guys

Prod: Wait what?!

Ray: Long story

Prod: I got time

Meesha: Well to make it short my dad told me I couldn’t do what I love so I called ray packed my stuff and here I am

Prod: Wow how did your dad react

Meesha: Lets just say I no longer have a home to go back to

Prod: Well we are your family now and where ever we are that will be your home. So does Cali know?

Meesha: Nope not yet. Is she okay? Did you talk to her since what happened?

Prod: Yea I just got off the phone with her. She’s worried about you. She came back to the studio with her mom after your dad took you both. Her mom signed the contract.

Meesha: Aw well she’s lucky I wish her mom came before my dad did

Ray: Why? I mean minus the fact that he dragged you both away from us

Meesha: Because then I would have record deal too you know

Ray: But you do have a record deal

Meesha: No Cali does. 

Prod: No you both do

Meesha: How is that possible?

Ray: Well when Cali signed the contract it was for both of you. You guys weren’t being signed separately you two were signed as a group

Meesha: Really! You’ve got to be kidding me!

Prod: Naw not at all

Meesha: So I DON’T even know what to do with myself right now

Ray: How about we go to sleep now and we’ll talk about this in the morning.

Meesha: Okay so I’ll be on the pullout 

Ray: U-uh w-well um okay yea sure

Prod: Sounding a little disappointed are we Ray

Ray: Shut up man

Meesha: You two are funny (yawning)

Ray: Long night huh?

Meesha: Yea I guesss (yawning) you can say that. I’ll be back in a minute I’m going to go change

Ray: Kay

Prod: You know you like this

Ray: Like what

Prod: Your dream girl is in your room spending the night

Ray: Psh tuh it doesn’t faze me

Prod: Yea right

Ray: I’ll tell you one thing though bro. She will be happy here as long as I’m breathing.

Prod: Well man I respect that

Meesha: (walking in) Okay so goodnight guys I’m really tired

Prod and Ray: Night

(About 5 a.m.)

Meesha: Noo… Nooo… DADDY STOP!! Mommy!!! WHERE ARE YOU!

Ray: Meesha!! MEESHA! (Shaking her) Wake up

Meesha: (fighting Ray Ray) No no let go

Ray: Wake up Meesha it’s just me Its Ray Ray

Meesha: (Opens her eyes and begins to cry) I can’t take it! I’m scared of him

Ray: It’s okay Meesha you’re safe now (hugging Meesha) Just sleep honey… just sleep

Meesha: Ray don’t let me go! Just stay with me please

Ray: I’ll stay for as long as you need me Meesh (They both fall sleep on Meesha’s bed)

(Next Day)

Prod: So what happened here?

Ray: (Jumping up) Ohh u-um 

Meesha: I had a nightmare and Ray came to comfort me

Prod: Awe well way to look out bro

Ray: So on today’s schedule we have to tell Keisha that you’re staying with us

Prod: If she’ll let you that is

Ray: She will well she has to. A minor out on the street a minor that she is the manager of at that

Prod: You have a point.

(Knock at the door)

Prod: Who is it? 

?: The milk man… It’s Keisha who else!

Ray: Well its now or never…. COME IN KEISH

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